Space, cinema and science under the prism of 'Planeta Elder'

The Elder Museum presents its Christmas program this Tuesday.Planeta Elder' It includes a series of exhibitions, workshops and activities with high science-information value that combine entertainment and learning for young children. A place like cinema and archipelago.

Museum Center Director, Jose Gilberto Morenoexplained that they will be «More than 150 activities In the next two weeks, with Concerts, seven new exhibitions, theatrical works and endless experimental dynamics Discover the world Planets, Science and the Universe. This Christmas we invite you to take a leap and experience the universe and man at his essence.”

For her part, the consultant Tourism and Employment of the Government of the Canary Islands, Jessica de Leon The head of the Canary Museum Elder Foundation also expressed his desire to “invite all Canarian families to visit and experience a different kind of Christmas. For me, the staff of this facility is proud to open the doors and continue to create.” Citizen Science, Bringing it closer to people and allowing the elderly to integrate The most visited science museum in Spain” he added.

All kinds of workshops, labs and exhibitions related to cosmology and science. That is what Planet Elder will show in the coming days.


revolves around the concept of a Planet Elder SpaceExhibitions on astronomy, the importance of the cosmos in fiction such as the original animated series 'Nights of the Zodiac' and the acclaimed 'Star Wars' and Starlight locations Certified for optimal observation of the night sky Canary Islands An important representation in the field of astronomy.

Science theatre, robotics workshops or children's activities They complete a poster that adds to the museum's regular offering. Until January 7th you can enjoy Planeta Elder, 10 am to 8 pm every day without interruption except the day before a holiday.

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