Stopping omnibus legislation in Congress won't change economic course, says Luis Caputo

Stopping omnibus legislation in Congress won't change economic course, says Luis Caputo
The minister tried to downplay what happened in the Congress. ReutersReuters

Economic Minister of the country, Luis Caputo, expressed himself through the “X” network about the backlash caused by his treatment of the Omnibus Act in Congress. The official clarified that whether the law is passed or not will not “change the economic course” the government is following.

“We are not going to spend more than we collect. And we are not going to fund the central bank treasury. That will ensure that there is no repeat of the problems of the last 20 years,” he said in his release.

Similarly, the Minister tried to cool down what happened in the Deputy Ministers. “Don't be dramatic today. We all know that even if people vote for change, there are some legislators who want things to stay the same. The country will move on and everything will turn out well, because for the first time in decades, we are doing the right thing,” he declared.

With the President Javier Miley In the middle of an international tour, the government decided to abruptly interrupt the debate Omnibus Act It was going on in the House of Representatives and due to lack of opposition support, the proposal was sent back to committee and now the parliamentary process will start afresh.

Despite several rounds of negotiations since the reform package was sent to Congress in late December, In the rest of the constituencies, the ruling party did not get support In the premises the Casa Rosada approves articles which it deems important.

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In particular, national authorities issued orders to withdraw the text after certain sections were incorporated Powers conferred The executive branch intends to obtain the opposite of a declaration of emergency on various matters.

home Minister, Guillermo FrancosHe has spent the last few weeks trying to reach an agreement with the so-called “dialogue” opposition, in this way, advancing the law. He accused the governors of breaking their word.

“From the beginning, the unwillingness of the majority to support the reform proposals proposed by the national government and the rejection of the most important representative powers that allowed for deregulation, state reorganization and so on. So, in that way, there is no point in advancing the treatment of the law because it has lost its essence,” he said with the participating journalists. The officer explained in conversation. Infobay.

The session started after 2pm and the first six articles were approved. Thus, the government had ensured that the sections dealing with the state of emergency and the powers conferred on the President of the nation were confirmed. However, it is subject to revisions.

The first six articles were approved when the session adjourned. (Gustavo Cavotti)

As the afternoon progressed towards a discussion on the power to privatize the list of public companies, the session on campus House of Representatives He went to an intermediate room. After an hour of deadlocked and tense exchanges on the corridors of the Legislative Palace, the ruling party returned and adjourned the session, which it promised would last for several days.

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Indeed, after the vote on the first six articles, Miguel Angel Pichetto He requested a meeting of the bloc leaders with Martin Menem. On return the ruling party adjourned the session due to lack of agreement on the privatization chapter.

Organization leader Menem took the stand and announced the ruling party's decision. Earlier there was an exchange of views between the National Government officials and the opposition legislators. Representatives of the executive authorities made it clear who they were targeting for the project's unsuccessful path to approval: Governors of Provinces whose legislators had to go along with the law with their votes.


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