Stunning images: James Webb telescope captures 19 spiral galaxies near Milky Way

Stunning images: James Webb telescope captures 19 spiral galaxies near Milky Way

The closest of the galaxies is called 'NGC5068' and 60 million light-years away is 'NGC1365'.

Spiral galaxy NGC 1512 captured with the James Webb Telescope. Photo: Reuters.

A collection of newly released images captured by The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) show remarkable details 19 spiral galaxies Those who live relatively close to us milky wayprovides new clues about star formation structure Y Stellar evolution.

The images were made public on Monday by a team of scientists involved in the project Physics with high angular resolution in nearby galaxies (PHANGS) It operates several major astronomical observatories.

A collection of 19 spiral galaxies captured from the James Webb Telescope.  Photo: Reuters.A collection of 19 spiral galaxies captured from the James Webb Telescope. Photo: Reuters.

The closest of the 19 galaxies is called 'NGC5068', for some 15 million light years from EarthAnd the most remote of them allNGC1365', about 60 million light years from Earth. A light year is the distance light travels in one year 9.5 billion kilometers.

The James Webb Space Telescope is launched 2021 and started collecting data 2022Redesign An understanding of the early universe While capturing amazing photos of the universe.

James Webb Telescope.  Photo: Reuters.James Webb Telescope. Photo: Reuters.

The orbiting observatory sees the universe primarily in the infrared. He Hubble Space TelescopeStarted in 1990 Still a work in progress, he studied it primarily at optical and ultraviolet wavelengths. Spiral galaxies are a type of galaxy that resemble giant pinwheels Common Constellation.

The new observations come from Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). They show approx 100,000 constellations and millions or billions of individual stars.

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These data are important as they provide new insight into the early stages of star formation.said the astronomer University of Oxford, Thomas WilliamsHeaded the data processing of the group of images.

“Stars are born deep in dust clouds that completely block light at visible wavelengths that the Hubble Space Telescope is sensitive to, but These clouds glow at JWST wavelengths. “We don't know much about this phase, or even how long it lasts, so these data will be vital to understanding how stars in galaxies begin their lives,” Williams added.

Half of spiral galaxies have a straight structure, called a bar, that extends from the galactic center where the spiral arms are attached.

“The general idea is that Galaxies form from within, which is why they get increasingly bigger throughout their lives. “The spiral arms act to sweep away the gas that forms into stars, and the bars propel that same gas toward the galaxy's central black hole,” the astronomer explained.

Spiral galaxy NGC 628 captured with the James Webb Telescope.  Photo: Reuters.Spiral galaxy NGC 628 captured with the James Webb Telescope. Photo: Reuters.

The images allowed scientists to resolve for the first time the structure of the dust and gas clouds from which stars and planets form in galaxies with high levels of detail. Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic CloudBoth galaxies are considered satellites of the extended galaxy The Magellanic Cloud of the Milky Way.

“The images are not only aesthetically stunning, but they also tell a story about star formation and feedback loops. Energy and velocity released by young stars in interstellar space“, the astronomer revealed Janice Lee of Space Telescope Science InstituteIn BaltimorePrincipal investigator of new data.

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“In fact, it appears that there was explosive activity and dust and gas ejection at both the cluster and kilobarsec scales. The dynamic process of the general cycle of star formation becomes transparent and qualitatively accessibleEven for the audience, it makes the films compelling on many levels,” Lee said.


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