Summer 2024: Know which beaches are healthy and unhealthy, according to Dikesa

Summer 2024: Know which beaches are healthy and unhealthy, according to Dikesa

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Puerto Huarmey beach located in the Ancash province of Huarmey. | Source: Andina

He Summer It started last December 21 and since then, Many people They go often Beaches From different districts to enjoy the sea and sand. which Beaches Which ones can be visited with family and which ones are unhealthy?

Ministry of Health (Sometimes), by Directorate General of Environmental Health and Food Safety (DGESA)Responsible for providing information on the website Monitoring results 312 beaches No health risk has been created for the population of Peru. At the national level, monitoring is carried out by Tris, Tresas and Geresas.

Grades vary

A biologist provokedAna Se Leon, info RPP The technical ethics body conducts a weekly “constant monitoring” of the criteria to consider them healthy. Beaches. The official noted that “grades will vary” throughout the summer.

Criteria to be defined Beaches Healthy and unhealthy three: microbiological quality control, sanitation quality control and control of health services availability.

“There are three criteria: Microbiological quality. The competent health authority takes the sample and checks the presence of thermo-tolerant coliforms. Presence or absence. The second criterion is the quality of cleaning. They evaluate the cleaning carried out by the municipality. The presence of containers and solid waste and the third criterion is the presence of toilet services. .These three criteria are evaluated and evaluated. Playa Healthy or A Playa Not healthy. “Because the assessment is permanent, if a beach suddenly becomes unhealthy during the week, it will become healthy the next week because it's stable,” he said.

Biologist from Thursday, January 5 provokedAna Say Leone said on the show Message Expansion what Approximate universe 131 Beaches 42 people are under observation Beaches healthy and 89 unhealthy.

“We currently have 131 universes Beaches Monitored, 42 of them were healthy and 89 were unhealthy. Regarding non-compliance with microbiological quality, water quality, only 10 are non-compliant,” he said.

“A Call to Users BeachesWe want Beaches Neat? We need to take responsibility for our solid waste because it's not just about getting out Playa) have containers to put our waste,” called the representative provoked

Healthy Beaches Summer 2024:


  1. Barranco (Valley)
  2. Los Yuos (Valley)
  3. Freshwater North B (Corylos)
  4. Enchanted (Corylos)
  5. Villa Beach (Corylos)
  6. San Pedro (Lurin)
  7. Areca (laurin)
  8. Octopuses (Lurin)
  9. La Bombilla I (Miraflores)
  10. La Bombilla II (Miraflores)
  11. Miraflores
  12. Redondo I (Miraflores)
  13. Star (Miraflores)
  14. Nymphs (Bugusana)
  15. Peace (Punta Hermosa)
  16. Knights (Punta Hermosa)
  17. Punta Hermosa (Punta Hermosa)
  18. White Beach (Punta Hermosa)
  19. Kontiki (Punta Hermosa)
  20. Girls (Punta Hermosa)
  21. Punta Rocas (Punta Negra)
  22. Black Tip (Black Tip)
  23. San Bartolo North A (San Bartolo)
  24. San Bartolo Norte B (San Bartolo)
  25. San Bartolo Sur A (San Bartolo)
  26. San Bartolo Sur B (San Bartolo)
  27. Santa Maria (Saint Mary)
  28. Ambassadors (Santa Maria)
  29. Puerto Chico (Barranca)
  30. Miraflores (Barranca)
  31. Chorillos (Barranca)
  32. Vineyards (Huara, Lima)
  33. San Antonio (Ganet, Lima)
  34. Sleeping Lion (Ganete, Lima)
  35. La Ensenada (Ganet, Lima)
  36. Northern Bujama (Ganete, Lima)
  37. Bujama Sur (Ganete, Lima)
  38. Laguna La Milagrosa (Ganet, Lima)
  39. Pasamaido (Canet, Lima)
  40. Puerto Viejo (Ganet, Lima)

shutup your mouth:

  1. Malecon Bardo (Gallao)

Other Regions:

  1. Tortoises (Gasma, Ankash)
  2. Puerto Huarmi (Huarmi, Ancash)
  3. Castling (Santa, Ankash)
  4. Caleta Colorada Beach (Santa, Ancash)
  5. Panamito (Camana, Arequipa)
  6. Lurinchincha (Sincha, Ika)
  7. Los Violetas (Cinza, Ica)
  8. Penguin (Nasca, Ica)
  9. Lions (Nasca, Ica)
  10. Las Lobaras (Nasca, Ica)
  11. Hermosa (Nazca, Ica)
  12. Hawaii (Nasca, Iga)
  13. La Mina (Pisco, Ica)
  14. Yumac (Pisco, Ica)
  15. Santo Domingo (Pisco, Ica)
  16. Huancarute (Trujillo, La Libertad)
  17. A great performance at Porto Mal Abrico (Ascope, La Libertad).
  18. La Bocana (Seben, La Libertad)
  19. Serape (Sep, The Freedom)
  20. Malecón Grau, (Pacasmayo, La Libertad)
  21. Beaumap Center (Pagasmayo, La Libertad)
  22. Puerto Eden (Chigleo, Lambayeque)
  23. Hermosa Beach (Chigleo, Lumpeg)
  24. Bugayaku Beach (Manas, Loreto)
  25. Lisa's Well (Ilo, Mokugua)
  26. Gentiles (Ilo, Mokugua)
  27. Mancora (Talara, Beura)
  28. La Esmeralda de Colon Beach (Baida, Buera)
  29. Las Palmeras de Colon Beach (Baida, Buera)
  30. Crayfish (Baida, Pyra)
  31. Yasila (Baida, Beura)
  32. Organs (Talara, Piura)
  33. Cabo Blanco (Talara, Piura)
  34. Punta Lobitos (Talara, Piura)
  35. Las Benitas de Talara (Talara, Buera)
  36. El Ouro (Talara, Buera)
  37. Cabo Blanco (Talara, Piura)
  38. Wichido (Talara, Piura)
  39. San Pedro (Sullana, Buera)
  40. Sulliak (Sullana, Beura)
  41. Los Palos (Dagna, Dagna)
  42. Blanchon (Dagna, Dagna)
  43. La Lobita (Dagna, Dagna)
  44. The Lycera (Dagna, Dagna)
  45. Las Concidas (Dagna, Dagna)
  46. Bladea Brava (Dagna, Dagna)
  47. Pimientacocha (Coronal Portillo, Ucayali)
  48. Mozzarella (Coronal Portillo, Ucayali)
  49. Rubiza (Coronal Portillo, Ucayali)
  50. The Lone Ranger (Padre Abad, Uzayali)
  51. Bridal Veil (Father Abad, Usayali)
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