Technology, a tool in the service of education

Technology, a tool in the service of education

Technology has impacted practically all areas of our lives, including the way we teach and educate our little ones. A few years ago, it seemed necessary to integrate it into the classrooms, which is not only learning, but a means to be prioritized. Responding to social demands of the “digital age”.. Many educational centers have implemented technology in their curriculum.

Today we can confirm that this model has been implemented in many cases without careful pedagogical reflection, leading to undesirable consequences. Use and application of an essential tool Meet the challenges of the 21st centuryIt has become a challenge that needs to be handled with caution and academic judiciousness.

One of the major contributions of technology to education is its ability to make knowledge accessible. However, this approach does not cover the real needs of the comprehensive development of students. Be The information we seek is critical Being aware of the biases we make when we immerse ourselves in this infinite amount of information is a fundamental skill to learn.

We know that learning is constructed through one's own experience, interest, creativity and effort towards a task. “Estudio” is an educational center that does not implement this mindless digitization in classrooms and Maintains a teaching model that focuses on students producing their notebooks and files on paper. The ethical sense and well-being of students is at the heart of every teaching decision the institution makes, which is why technology is integrated as another tool, and they understand that technology is not just another tool in the service of education. Around the way..

What is the relevance of experience in learning structure?

The need for learning to be comprehensive led the “Estudio” to think about universal education, with a greater emphasis on all fields of knowledge connected by the wonder and curiosity that should awaken children in this learning. He Experiential learning is experiential in the sense that it involves all of our senses.This does not happen in the virtual world.

In the “studio” teaching model, they emphasize movement, physical education, drama, manual work, and children's free play, in which they create, create, observe, and give meaning to what they see. For example, Jimena Menendez Fidel, one of the founders of the school, said that free drawing is necessary in children, “The school should help him achieve his goal by giving him more resources, so that he feels more confident about himself.” Lose spontaneity” precisely because it does not come across as “same and repetitive”.

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That's why inside “Study” seeks to bring out various skills in children such as visual skills., what they see, analyze, talk about knowledge, reduce consequences, express themselves in all their possibilities: oral, written, graphic, musical, artistic, etc. They also recognize the relevance of handwriting, the deeper reading that is achieved on paper than less attentive reading in digital media.

When Jimena Menendez-Fidel, Carmen García del Distro and Ángeles Casset founded the college in 1940, they Innovative Educational Principles from Free Educational Institute and Institute-School. Abandoning the textbook in favor of the natural use of a large number of books aimed to create more personal notebooks and files, which required school libraries at all levels of education. The absence of textbooks in the school indicates the method and relevance of students' work They currently have six libraries.

Students create on their own Materials, notebooks and files They help in developing skills like sorting, classifying, linking, counting, aesthetic taste etc. This type of learning requires comprehension of content, ability to summarize, identify essential information, comparison, effort of attention, search for complementary information, making diagrams, drawings and reproduction of buildings or works of art to illustrate content.

Carefully selected readings in class a A basic stimulus for imagination, expanding vocabulary, improving oral expression, and preparing diagrams and written reviews. The manual work classes were planned from the inception of the company as genuine creation and experimentation workshops, not only to develop manual skills but also to give them an artistic and aesthetic sense where creative freedom prevailed.

How are technologies integrated into this teaching model?

The “studio” in technology, currently, as a tool, in technology, computing or engineering classes and the rest, is when it truly offers a different value. Its judicious use will always be a useful and complementary tool. For example, Luis Geronimo, director of the “Estudio” school of Aravaca in Madrid, explains, “We can work on bacteria in class, watch a video about them, go to collect samples, do experiential learning in the laboratory, create our notebook with results, graphs and data records, and the research we do in the school library. Complete it with and make a digital presentation about it. We will incorporate the tools for more comprehensive and solid learning.” For this academic focus, learning must focus on the experience of the student, who actively and reflectively constructs his knowledge.

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A teaching program called “reading” in which the paper textbook or digital book is abandoned in favor of regular use of a variety of books appropriate for each age group. Autonomous construction of student's knowledge. Along with this, Geronimo reasons, “reading activity is not only encouraged, but research and diversity of different sources, including digital sources. Individual learning is encouraged, in which you not only learn theoretical knowledge but also engage in it in a practical way. That's why it's so important to observe, watch, converse, and disagree to create your own criteria about what you're learning. For this reason, in this model, experiential communication is very essential to students' learning, and visits and excursions are not understood as complementary, but essential to consolidate what is learned and experienced and not intellectual learning.

According to the founders, the student “cannot be reduced to the student of today. We owe it to them to think about their future and support them to make their lives easier, not only to climb today's steps, but also to climb the next steps more peacefully,” they opined. Providing students with strategies to think, critique, and communicate. As Luis Geronimo points out, “One can make decisions, be flexible, and maintain self-discipline without having to learn too much to use a tool. Comprehensive values ​​and skills will enable them to remain calm and open-minded, critical and decisive in decision-making, whatever the world of tomorrow.

Students access a lot of information through the internet, so it is basic and necessary for them to get it Skills and tools needed to counter misinformation. In the “Researcher's Workshop” they have conducted over the years in secondary school, students are trained in strategies to assess the quality, reliability and veracity of information with the critical and ethical sense required in other subjects. They teach and students take.

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The “Estudio” was also launched which is concerned with the harmful use of mass exposure to screens held by students outside of school, the use of social networks and the misuse of mobile devices. Digital Health Project This year continues with training for the entire academic community, working with students, families, and teachers on healthy uses of technology. Short videos with essential keys On topics such as when to give away the first mobile phone, healthy use of social networks, responsibilities of minors on the Internet or digital reputation.

They bet on him at school healthy use of technology and acceptance of the ethical responsibility they hold as educators In promoting its adequate and healthy use. To do this, they feel it is necessary to educate and guide students in the absolutely proper, how to use it or what to use it, and the responsible and fair use of that technology, in said use. “Technology should be a learning tool, not an end in itself, much less an essential learning support for students, because we will deprive them of the experiential and experiential knowledge necessary for comprehensive learning,” believes Geronimo. “

Knowing how digital is connected in school requires pedagogical reflection, which requires time and space to think about how and in what way it does or does not connect to an educational institution's teaching model. Hence, the careful incorporation of technology, consciously and responsibly implements the educational philosophy of this institution. A company that currently integrates, Two academic centers in MadridHe School “Study”, Origin of Foundation based Valdemarin (Aravaga), and the new plan “I am reading Count Orgaz.


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