Technology and human progress

As I am already a veteran worker of over 50 years, I have been watching How technological innovation began to change the world of human resources.

We can say that It all started with personnel management and payroll, and in this case, it should be noted that technology is important for personnel departments to adapt to the increasingly demanding requirements imposed by public administration. Payroll programs are becoming more and more sophisticated and I believe that innovation and technology in this segment are perfectly balanced.

Later, the technology began to be used in the fields of selection, development and talent. Many interviews began to be replaced by psychological tests, edited and interpreted by machines, that assessed candidates’ abilities, their strengths and weaknesses, and their suitability for positions.

Here I began to disagree with the results achieved by innovative technological processes. I remember a case where I turned to two collaborators in my department to see which one was better suited for a promotion.

When the results came back to me, they showed Same profile In both. At first I thought it was a mistake, they had sent me the result of the same candidate twice. When I spoke to the consultant he told me no and they confirmed that both the employees have the same profile.

When I tried to explain that these two women looked like ducks to a bicycle, they tried to convince me of my mistake as the technique was perfectly tested. Unlike people, he doesn’t make mistakes. Maybe that’s true, the machine isn’t wrong, but the experts who designed these tests may not have taken into account some aspect of the individual they were supposed to collect.

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Seven years ago I had to face a big staff recruitment and I was alone. Fortunately, I have hired a tool that includes video interviews for candidates, It made a good pre-examination with artificial intelligence and key questions.

After this phase, the candidates were evaluated through a series Managers And if they get three Like it They went to the final interview. This tool is important to us.

Without it we cannot attend the massive exam we face. We improved the results by getting a little more sophisticated on key questions. We had a wonderful selection of employees, but couldn’t stop a few other slackers, other people’s friends, addicts, stalkers, and even some psychopaths from getting in.

The tool worked perfectly. Seven years ago the technology was sophisticated and innovative, however, this did not prevent the “bad guys” from sneaking into the company. Of course, selection or developmental interviews do not prevent this, no matter how good the interviewer is.

All this made me think a lot about what we hear about technology in the world, despite the ‘data protection law’. seems to know everything about us, Our tastes and hobbies, what we buy, who we associate with, etc. Because We cannot protect ourselves from people in technology The dark side.

It’s been a few years Gamification has entered the HR world, But it’s been my experience that it doesn’t have the desired effect, and I think a lot of times it’s not because of the technology or who’s designing it, but because it’s just not interesting.

Recently I was introduced to Metaverse as a fantastic tool for human resource development I thought it would be great for training or preventing occupational hazards, but since the world’s major brands already have it, they always point to it as a place.

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Al final They turn it into another marketing tool. Technology is innovative and good, but the purpose of being great is not as close to human resources as they would have us believe.

Mobile phones, Internet, Instagram, Tik Tok are amazing tools that can unfortunately lead to addiction, frustrations and major depression, especially for younger people. Influencers With some of the weirdest ideas out there, they have millions of followersFollowers and fanatics who die for them, most have no idea who Gandhi or Mother Teresa of Calcutta was.

We hope that one day technology and innovation will help not only those working in the public sector, but humanity in general, to achieve a more supportive, more ethical and just world.

*** Juana Villanueva He is a Human Resources Director, Labor Consultant, Author and Member of AEDRH

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