The opinion of the official councilor and one of the opposition parties on 5G technology – El Dia de Gualequechu

The opinion of the official councilor and one of the opposition parties on 5G technology – El Dia de Gualequechu

Building connections

By Vanina Basalta – Councilor “The First Gualequechu”

In the era of fast and efficient connectivity, 5G antennas have become a topic of discussion and debate in many communities, including our city Gualeguaychú. The need to improve signaling in peripheral areas, positive impact on emergency and safety situations, as well as environmental and health pollution are important aspects to consider.

I am sad to say that the lack of signal in the outskirts of Gualeguaychú is a constant challenge for many residents. 5G antennas offer a promising solution to this problem, as they will significantly improve connectivity and provide access to essential services in areas where the signal is currently poor.

In emergency situations, speed and efficiency of communication are critical. Connectivity plays a vital role in providing quick and efficient response during crises and unexpected events. From emergency services to sending vital information to the community, 5G infrastructure makes a difference in the safety and well-being of citizens.

Environmental pollution and health risks associated with 5G antennas are among the most commonly expressed points of concern. However, it is important to base our opinions on scientific evidence. The World Health Organization (WHO), the International Commission on Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiations (CIPFRNI) and the National Agency for Communications (ENACOM) have repeated this through various studies. Ionizing radiation from 5G antennas. One of the most current myths is that 5G antennas produce more radiation than 4G antennas (the ones in our city). In fact, the frequency used by 5G antennas is higher than 4G, but this does not automatically mean more radiation. According to several studies supported by the aforementioned global organizations, the non-ionizing radiation produced by this new mobile communication technology does not have the potential to damage DNA or cause harmful biological effects.

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As this technology operates at higher frequencies, they have a shorter coverage range compared to 4G antennas, which means that a larger number of 5G antennas must be distributed over smaller areas to provide efficient coverage, not to mention an increase in harmful radiation. In addition, it is important to note that 5G antennas operate under advanced application and control protocols to guarantee efficient and secure connectivity.

By installing these antennas in Gualeguaychú, a favorable environment will be created for the establishment and development of businesses that require advanced technological infrastructure. Improved connectivity not only benefits large companies moving to our city, but also encourages innovation and local entrepreneurship by giving small and medium-sized businesses faster and more efficient access to online resources and services in the city. cloud.

In this context, it is important that the community of Gualeguaychú is adequately informed about new technologies, eliminating unfounded fears and the benefits they can bring to the local community, security and responses in emergency situations. By doing so, the city can take a significant step towards a more connected, secure future with new conditions for current investments.

A greater connection to health

By Emiliano Zapata – Councilor of “Mas Para Entre Rios”.

The urgency of proposing to amend an Ordinance and seeking its treatment in an extraordinary session does not suggest waiting for the regular session of the Legislature to commence.

When reading the proposed changes, one cannot help but be surprised to notice that these were not discussed at the tables only because the ruling party did not have enough votes.

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This situation made it necessary to hold a meeting of the Health Commission.

In that meeting, members of the Más para Entre Ríos and La Libertad Avanza blocs suggested inviting experts who could expand our knowledge on the subject, and we proposed that the ruling party invite companies interested in installing new technology.

The reply was that there was no time for that, and that the Mayor should proceed to amend the Ordinance as a matter of urgency.

With this in mind, we have attached to the file a study by bioengineer Esteban Rosi, a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Science and Technology of UNER, from the module I belong to. Protection from these radiations.

This situation highlights the pressure that these types of companies exert on local governments by installing these new technologies, ignoring all the scientific warnings they reveal, as the environmental health of the population is said to require uplinking. They cause

Members of the governing body said there was no report or survey of the damage. If this is true, then it must be based on the fundamental principle of environmental law, which is the precautionary principle, where in case of doubt, in the absence of scientific certainty, all necessary steps should be taken. Prevents environmental degradation.

In 2020, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) published the ICNIRP Principles, which have been endorsed by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and must comply with 3. Principles of Radiological Protection:

  • Principle of Justification: It is not appropriate for anyone to irradiate themselves unless it is justified
  • Optimization Principle: If it is necessary to communicate, do it as little as possible.
  • Principle of Dose Limitation: Dose should be limited to protect the population and especially for highly sensitive individuals.
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The fact is that the changes and cancellations of each of the discussed articles are nothing more than giving complete freedom to companies that want to install 5G technology , health centers, etc.) or the size of the antennas.

The rush to amend the ordinance, the staunch defense of the ruling elite, who behaved more like corporate lawyers than community representatives, caught the attention of many, and even the mayor's visit. Talk session, defending 5G technology with false arguments, for example, non-existent WHO studies.


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