Technology, Languages ​​and Entrepreneurship, Fundamentals of Education Prep 6 – Poveda

Technology, Languages ​​and Entrepreneurship, Fundamentals of Education Prep 6 – Poveda

Tlaxcoapan, Hidalgo.- “Preparatory School No. 6 reaffirms its commitment to academic excellence and the comprehensive development of its students. To achieve this, permanent teacher training and renewal is needed, but English and the use of technologies to guarantee learning. Significant and relevant. for the student body,” said director Jose. Luis Gil Chávez noted during his first activities report for the period 2023-2029.

Before the members of the community of the campus located in the municipality of Tlaxcoapan, Gil Chávez, the current educational dynamics, students must develop technical skills and abilities, but to speak a second language according to these needs, that is, educational privilege. And its services should be balanced to guarantee academic growth both institutionally and for students.

In 2023, more than 25 teachers participated in the Teacher Strengthening Program to acquire English language communication skills, develop digital skills, strengthen research methodology, obtain a certificate in English proficiency at B1 level, as well as accreditation in teaching skills.

The Director of the Education Division in the Mezquital Valley said that the strengthening of educational strategies allowed the growth of student enrollment, gained the confidence of the population of Tlaxcopan and the surrounding municipalities, despite the social challenges of the region, six years after its opening. There was an enrollment of 345 students from 34 in the secondary school.

“Within High School No. 6, students find scenarios that reinforce the learning of a second language, get closer to the dynamics of current computer technologies, carry out laboratory procedures that validate their acquired knowledge and stimulate them to research. In addition, we have a place to search for physical and electronic information that reinforces your learning. “We have the necessary The materials are there,” he said.

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Finally, as part of this comprehensive training, he noted that it is important to develop entrepreneurship so that they can develop creativity, solve problems, make decisions, work in teams, explore their interests and get closer to the world of work. Through these types of training, they are encouraged to develop business proposals that allow for an alternative to personal and professional development.


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