The 1919 eclipse that confirmed Einstein's theory of relativity

The 1919 eclipse that confirmed Einstein's theory of relativity

Did you know that eclipses, in addition to being truly spectacular events, have helped scientists understand the universe throughout history? One of the oldest examples dates back to 150 BC, when the Greeks Aristarchus of Samos and Hipparchus of Nicaea discovered it. The Moon was closer to the Earth than the Sun When observing how it passed in front of the star during a solar eclipse. Also, thanks to this discovery, they were able to make the first estimate of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. 379,000 kilometersNot crazy considering the actual number is 384,000 kilometers.


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However, the most famous eclipse of all time occurred On May 29, 1919. This solar phenomenon is not surprising since it was able to confirm the general theory of relativity of the German physicist Albert Einstein. According to his famous approach, light rays passing near the Sun must be bent by the gravitational force created by the star, which is visible only in total darkness.

General theory of relativity

Albert Einstein is a name that resonates beyond the scientific scene, and with it, one of his greatest contributions to physics: the theory of relativity. First stated in 1905 under the name of special relativity, this theory completely revolutionized the understanding of space, time, matter and energy. In an elegant formulation, Einstein introduced the idea The speed of light in vacuum is a universal constantThis in turn demolished the absolute concepts of space and time proposed by Newton many years earlier.

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This approach culminated a decade later, in 1915, when Einstein proposed his theory of general relativity, a proposition that gravity was not an attractive force between two masses, as Newton had said. Effect of curvature of spacetimeDerived from the presence of mass and energy.


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