The fifth episode of the “Con Ciencia + Vida” podcast will be about deep space exploration

This Tuesday, the fifth episode of “Con Ciencia + Vida, el podcast” will be published, the communication space of the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology (Mincyt), dedicated to addressing topics of interest in science, technology and innovation. Nationally and internationally.

In this case, we will talk about deep space exploration, which is responsible for exploring objects and sites far away from Earth, inside or outside the solar system.

Gabriela Jiménez Ramírez, Vice President of the Department of Science, Technology, Education and Health, will speak with journalist Jessica dos Santos, an electronic engineering expert and researcher from the Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (ABAE).

In addition, they highlight the established capabilities, scientific talent and commitment to Venezuela's knowledge in space matters.

In this regard, the Minister of Popular Power for Science and Technology invited Venezuelans to enjoy the fifth episode starting at 8:00 pm through the YouTube channel @mincytvenezuela.

Since its premiere, the Con Ciencia + Vida Podcast has been the perfect setting for the discussion of important topics such as global warming, robotics and healthy and sustainable agriculture, showing the progress made through policies developed by Venezuelan companies, researchers and scientists. National Government and Mincit.

This space, divided into different sections, allows the public to directly learn news, data and interests that demonstrate the development of science, technology and innovation in Venezuela.

Communication Management Office of Popular Power Ministry for Science and Technology / Journalist: Giselle Sassin.

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