The James Webb Telescope has discovered 150 never-before-seen objects in space

The James Webb Telescope has discovered 150 never-before-seen objects in space

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He The next-generation James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was launched into space by NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA)..

The James Webb Telescope is designed to observe the universe in the infrared range, which is well-suited for studying dark, distant objects such as planets, stars, galaxies, and the origins of the universe.

The telescope focuses on the study of star and planet formation, including the characterization of planetary atmospheres and the search for habitable worlds.

What did the James Webb Space Telescope discover?

The scientific community’s eyes on the universe, The James Webb Space Telescope discovered the Orion Nebula, located more than 1,300 light-years from Earth, and 150 strange objects that astrophysicists cannot classify..

The The European Space Agency (ESA) pointed out that the objects have similar masses to Jupiter, although they are not massive enough to be considered stars, although they do not have the typical parameters of planets..

Because of their characteristics they were called jumbos (Jupiter mass binary objects).

These are the features:

  • Their surface temperature is about 1000 degrees Celsius.
  • Atmospheres contain water vapor and methane.
  • They are a million years old.
  • They orbit each other at a distance nearly 200 times greater than the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
  • They float freely.

According to theories, they are likely to have formed around stars and then been ejected into interstellar space through various interactions.

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