The price of the dollar in Peru today, April 13: What is the exchange rate indicated according to BCRP | economy

The price of the dollar in Peru today, April 13: What is the exchange rate indicated according to BCRP |  economy

Find out in this note from El Comercio Dollar price Today, Saturday, April 13, 2024, in Peru, according to information provided by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR).

According to information provided by the agency, the value of the US currency closed on April 11. S/3,693 (with S/3.7100 opening), as announced Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP).

Also, the interbank exchange rate had an average value S/3,7085, maximum S/3,7180 And at the very least S/3,6950According to BCRP.

How much is the dollar worth today in Peru?

Check the dollar rate today on April 13 here. According to the website , with an exchange rate of S/ 3,685 for buying and S/ 3,705 for selling. On the other hand, according to SUNAT, the price of the dollar will be at S/ 3,678 for buying and S/ 3,691 for selling.

Likewise, the BCRP quoted the exchange rate on its last official day:

How was the dollar last week?

The interbank exchange rate averaged S/3.6874 last week, with a high of S/3.6920 and a low of S/3.6820.

According to the issuing company, the US currency closed at S/3.680 on April 5 with an average bank rate of S/3.6874.

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