Tremors live in Puerto Rico today, March 7 – RSPR's official report | composition

Tremors live in Puerto Rico today, March 7 – RSPR's official report |  composition

Let me share with you the statement (RSPR), updated in real-time across all its platforms, with the latest news in the country today, March 7. As is known, the island registers constant seismic activity because it crosses several important geological faults, such as the Puerto Rico Trench, which borders the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It is also worth noting that its data is used by federal agencies such as USGS, FEMA and NOAA to issue tsunami warnings and update seismic hazard maps. Likewise, specific areas prone to earthquakes are: Guánica, Utuado, Guayanilla, Peñuelas and Ponce. Check for the latest With official data provided by the Seismic Network.

  • How to Pack Your Emergency Bag in Case of an Earthquake

Tremors live in Puerto Rico today, March 7

What to do before an earthquake hits Puerto Rico?

  • Learn about the area you live in. Know the seismic hazards in your area and your community's emergency plans.
  • Prepare a family emergency plan. This plan should include a safe place in case of an earthquake and a communication plan in case you get separated.
  • Prepare an emergency bag. The bag should contain essential items such as water, non-perishable food, radio, flashlight, first aid kit, important documents and money to survive the first 72 hours after the earthquake.
  • Strengthen your home. If you live in an area with a high seismic risk, consider strengthening your home to withstand earthquakes.
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