Trust is key to incorporating technology into elections: Carla Humphrey

Trust is key to incorporating technology into elections: Carla Humphrey

Number: 333

  • It is essential to take advantage of the experience accumulated in local election institutions, electronic ballot boxes and internet voting.

Technology has been a great ally to electoral processes, with its applications such as internet voting and the use of electronic ballot boxes, able to improve electoral processes, said Carla Humphrey Jordan, a consultant at the National Electoral Institute (INE).

During the conference, in the company’s Macrosa press room, titled Technology and electoral democracy“An important aspect of incorporating technology into elections is trust, the familiarity people have with using the technology and how it actually works and there’s no better way than to come and vote by touch. .”

He emphasized that this is the only way to dispel prevailing myths regarding the use of technology in electoral processes. “If we don’t expand this application universe, we’re not going to get people used to it,” he warned.

Counselor Humphrey said experiences have accumulated in the use of electronic ballot boxes at the local level, and 10 states use them: Campeche, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Querétaro, Sonora, Yucatán, Zacatecas and Veracruz.

This type of ballot box has advantages such as less time in its installation and procedures for counting and counting of votes: “The time taken in a polling station without an electronic ballot box is three times different than that which takes place with a ballot box”.

In addition, he stressed, five local electoral institutions have an internet voting system: Coahuila, Chihuahua, Queretaro, Sonora and Mexico City.

Before representatives of the media, Carla Humphrey, INE is technically ready for electronic ballot voting, but does not have the resources, “It is not an approved project, today we have 350 electronic ballot boxes. Own company.”

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That is, to increase ballot box production, in addition to legal reform, more human, material and financial resources are needed, he stressed. Under these circumstances, Humphrey concluded that there will still be time for electronic voting and printed ballots to coexist.

Félix Manuel de Brasdefer Coronel, Office Head of the Computer Services Technical Division of INE, participated in the conference.



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