Users between the ages of 14 and 30 are the most likely to be cheated online

Users between the ages of 14 and 30 are the most likely to be cheated online
Although Boomers are not the most tech-savvy, they are less likely to fall for online scams. (Photo: Freepik)

Although in the mid-1990s 1990 Since then, the new generation has been more exposed to technology, especially computers and advent Smart phones With access to the internet and various apps, it seems that the so-called Generation Z (those born between 1994 and 2010) are more likely to fall prey to online scams.

A statement DeloitteA specialized consulting firm, in its report stated “Connected Consumer Survey 2023″, the youth who make up this particular generation are more likely to fall for these scams on the Internet.

Despite their knowledge of technology, their incidents are more common than generation members Baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), who would also be his grandparents.

The document confirms that users who are members of Generation Z are three times more likely to fall victim to phishing cases, online identity theft, romance scams or cyberbullying. Although these incidents can be avoided with preventive strategies that can be spread online, statistics indicate that these practices may be more common, and users are not the most vulnerable.

On the other hand, the fact that romance scams are so common is a warning sign to take precautions against these attempts to breach security.

These deceptions are also calledLove bombing” often occurs on dating apps and consists of manipulating users’ emotions so that they agree to provide money, credit cards, or “financial assistance” to a person who is not actually there.

A study titledState of Scams 2023″, he assured, refers to losses ranging from cheating minors under 20 years of age. 8.2 million dollars In 2017. This number has increased over the years and now, in 2020, these have reached 210 million dollars.

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On the other hand, a cyber security company Avast Users between the ages of 24 and 34, a generation known as “millennials,” indicated that they were more likely to fall for online scams (49%) than boomers (24%).

Avast pointed out that users between the ages of 24 and 34, a generation known as “millennials,” are the most likely to fall for online scams. (Freepik)

One of the explanations for this increase in numbers is that it is very youth They tend to spend more time online or have more activity on the Internet Cybercriminals They are more likely to attack them and extract their data.

In this study, for example Generation Z This appears to be the second most likely place for data leaks or security issues. Internet security (32%). However, this may be because they “don’t spend enough time online” like members of the millennial generation.

“Millennials’ combination of comfort with the Internet, spending more time online, and a little arrogance makes them more vulnerable to falling for online scams,” the security agency said in its report.

The document indicates that it is a probability Generation Z Increase your chances of being scammed online over the years, though it’s more of an estimate than an estimate for your future use. Technology e Website.

The statement Deloitte It also ensures that in cases of online scams, users prioritize their security by implementing appropriate functions in such applications. Instagram Y TikTokThese are very popular among young users.


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