Want to send a personal message to a deeper place? How can you do this – teach me about science

Can you imagine sending a personal message to deep space? Now we will tell you that it is possible and how to do it and what are the costs.

Humanity has always thought that we are not alone in this universe and that there is life in other planets hidden in the deep part of the universe far away from our galaxy.

For this reason, they have sent various messages into space where they try to communicate with extraterrestrial life from other planets, however, we have yet to receive a successful response that provides signs of intelligence elsewhere in the universe.

Previously, only military, government and research organizations could send messages into space, however this has changed.

Italian government, by the way Italian Ministry of Commerce and TruthIn partnership with European telecom operator M3Set TelespatioNow anyone can send messages into space through the “Star Bottle” project (Star bottle)

In total, 4 launches into space are planned, starting this year and ending at the end of 2025, where you can send audios, videos or texts converted into binary code. The first release will take place on August 10, 2024 during the “Stars Night” event.

If you decide to send a message, you will receive a “C”.Certificate of Successful Release» After he left. On the other hand, the cost of sending a message ranges from 14.50 euros per text message and up to 29 euros to send a video.

What messages are sent to space?

The first message sent to Venus in 1962 by the planetary radar of Yevpatoria in the then Soviet Union contained the words PEACE, LENIN and USSR in Morse code.

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Later, in 1972, the NASAOn the Pioneer 10 and 11 probes sent to Jupiter, at the request of scientist Carl Sagan, they installed two metal plaques, each with a visual message about the history of mankind.

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They pointed out that in the image, hydrogen is the most abundant element on Earth, a map of the solar system representing the position of Jupiter, a map of Earth, a map of ancestors and a representation of humans.

The next message sent into space was by NASA, in 1977, with the Voyager 1 and 2 probes, to the ends of the Solar System.

Voyagers has a gold-plated copper disc, recorded in 56 languages, containing the sounds of nature and songs of different styles, with instructions and illustrations on how to use the information you have saved.

The fourth message sent into space came from American astronomer Frank Drake, who sent a radio wave through the Arecibo radio telescope in Costa Rica, 25,000 light-years away, trying to communicate with extraterrestrial life.

The message contained the numbers 1 to 10 in binary, the 5 chemical elements of DNA, its structure and nucleotides, a visual representation of humans, the planets of the solar system, and a representation of the Arecibo radio telescope.

The next attempt to contact extraterrestrial life occurred between 1999 and 2003, again via Yevpatoria, when they sent information to nine stars several light years away in “Lingos,” a universal language developed by the German Hans Freudent. .

In 2001, through a radio telescope, in 2008, Bebo sent 501 messages from users of the social network to the planet Gleece 58 and a second “across the universe” song. NASA's Polaris star,

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In 2013, the Lone Signal Initiative, the first signal for advertising purposes, and last this year, NASA sent the Europa Clipper probe to Jupiter's moons and Europa to study a poem and the word water in 103 languages.

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