What is the age limit to get your driver's license in Peru? | Answers

What is the age limit to get your driver's license in Peru?  |  Answers

Driving is a way of life for many Peruvians, so take into account the age at which you can process Driving license, the only document required to confirm driving in the country. That is why in this note we will tell you what you need to know about this question, in addition to other information related to this topic.

What is the age limit for processing a driver's license in Peru?

Peru's Ministry of Transport and Communications has announced an important change that will directly affect drivers in the country.

Supreme Order No. As established in 007-2016-MTC, Peruvian citizens may apply for a driver's license nationally up to the age of 80.

The move represents a significant change in traffic regulations as it significantly widens the age limit at which citizens can drive motor vehicles. Earlier, the age limit for applying for a driving license was very low, which excluded a significant section of the population from this right.

The new regulations not only allow Peruvians over 70 to continue driving, but also establish clear guidelines for license renewal in this demographic group. As established, professional and Class A permits have different validity periods depending on the age of the driver.

The license is valid for one year for drivers aged 70 to 76 years. However, for those above 76 years and up to 81 years, the validity period is reduced to six months.

These rules seek to guarantee road safety and the good condition of older drivers, while allowing them to actively contribute to mobility and daily life in the country.

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In the case of private motorists, similar rules have been established. According to La República newspaper, people between the ages of 70 and 75 can request a Class I license that is valid for five years.

How do I know if my driver's license is registered with the MTC?

If you want to check your license online at MTC with your ID, follow these steps:

  • Enter the website of the Ministry of Transport (MTC) through this .
  • Enter your National Identity Document (DNI) number.
  • Click to accept the processing of your data.
  • Select 'Search'.
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How do you know if the driver has a ticket?

To find out if you have any Ballot, you must follow the following steps:

  • Hereby enter the official site of Ministry of Transport (MTC). .
  • Enter your Identity Document (DNI).
  • Click to accept the processing of your data.
  • Select 'Search'.
  • Enter.
  • Click on the 'Unpaid Votes' option to see if you have any ballots.

How do I know if my motorcycle license is in the MTC system?

If you want to know if your motorcycle license is on the computer, follow these steps:

How can I get my driving license online?

Those who want to get the certificate online can do so by following steps:

  • Pay the s/6.70 fee at Banco de la Nación with code 1601
  • Enter the website of
  • Write your details
  • Accept the terms and conditions
  • Select the '100% Virtual Process' option
  • Company will verify your information and send notification to your email address.
  • Attach the requested documents and submit your request Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Stay tuned for further notification from MTC
  • Once it's ready, download your virtual license
  • list
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