Who will win the referendum in Argentina ahead of the 2023 election? | Answers

Who will win the referendum in Argentina ahead of the 2023 election?  |  Answers

On August 13, 2023, Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory (PASO) elections were held in Argentina to determine the candidacy of political forces in view of the upcoming general elections to meet the replacement of Alberto Fernández. With 5 candidates for the presidency of the Casa Rosada, the people of Albiceleste will return to the polls to choose their new president and elect more than 100 representatives. Find out how the latest polls and opinion polls are going and who is leading the voter turnout on this important voting day organized by the Directorate of National Elections (DINE).

Which presidential candidate in Argentina is leading in the polls, days away from elections organized by Tine?

With the aim of succeeding in the leadership position Argentine Republic For Alberto Fernández, whose term ends in December 2023, the 5 candidates, known as PASO, participate in analysis, evaluations and surveys that collect citizens’ sentiments, and take out after a few days. General electionsPut them in polls with the intention of voting to indicate a trend.

Very much Javier Miley As independent developments Patricia Bullrich Together for change, and Sergio Massa Union for Homeland, Miriam Bregman Left and Labor Front – Unity, and Juan Schieretti We are doing it for our country, sitting in the seat of Rivadavia and fighting for the best chance to govern for the next 4 years, but as of now and according to the release of various election forecasts, the election will be between 2 of the 5 candidates. for the post.

According to a work carried out and prepared by The controversial presidential candidate, who recently publicly insulted the Pope, topped a poll conducted by DC Consultores, Fixer, Juban Cordoba & Associados, Real Dalla Torre, Aresco, Aresco, according to the latest polls published by Argentine media and consulting firms. Consultora, Atlas Intel, among others (30.6%), but he will not directly win the general election, because with 29.6%, the country’s current Minister of Economy will eventually come with him in the second round.

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Considering these percentages, Patricia Bulrich, Miriam Bregman and Juan Schieretti will be relegated and fight Javier Millay with no chance for the presidency of Argentina. His popularity initially led to a high turnout in the PASO held on August 13.

There are only 5 days left for Albiceleste people to participate General Elections 2023And vote for the candidate who will rule the country until 2027. Almost a month later, polls agree that there will definitely be a vote between the political leader of La Libertad Avanza and the presidential candidate of the Union Por La Patria. National elections were held.

General Elections 2023: When and where can you vote for MILEI, MASSA and other presidential candidates in Argentina?

Almost 4 years later, the final 2023 register has exactly 35 million 394 thousand 425 voting citizens. They will return to the polls to elect a president to replace Alberto Fernández and 130 Mercosur representatives and parliamentarians by regional district.

As per the information shared A general election will do this Sunday, October 22 between 8 am And this 18 hoursand entersYou can check and/or consult your polling station, i.e. table number, order number and national identity document (DNI).

It should be noted that in the event of a possible second round between mercy Y MassaFor example, according to recent studies by pollsters, eligible voters in Argentina’s elections must return to their respective institutions last to determine the final winner of the electoral contest.

Voting for the presidential election in Argentina

This is 22/10 In about 10 hours, Argentine citizens will choose either Javier Mili or Sergio Massa as the country’s next president, but “The majority vote formula receives more than 45% of the votes or follows more than 40% of the votes by a margin of more than 10% of the votes, which is consecrated as President and Vice President.”, officially exemplifies DINE.

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Taking this detail into account, one of the 2 candidates does not reach the 45% of votes required and needed to win. BallotThat means a second round of elections will be inevitable November 19 The year is 2023.


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