Women in Technology: Keys to Creating a More Equitable Workplace

Women in Technology: Keys to Creating a More Equitable Workplace

The advancement of women in the technology sector is real, although the employment rate of women in the sector is below average. According to the study Deep Tech: The New Wave, Surfing was created by Tsunami, Only 42% of the research and development community in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) field in Latin America and the Caribbean is made up of women.

Recognized as one of the ten most influential women in technology by the Analytics Insight publication, Elena Spagnuolo, today works as Chief Business Officer at Bunker DB, where she participates in the management of marketing, technology and innovation projects: ” Diversity is essential to create truly disruptive and inclusive solutions, because they require different perspectives, knowledge and include skills.Undoubtedly, this is important for enriching the work environment and fostering collaboration across the organization.

As far as governance is concerned, the situation for women is worse. The Global Gender Gap Report 2023, published by the World Economic Forum, states Women hold only 20% of management positions in the information and technology sector. Although half of women say they have no role models for women in the field, A third of them say they don't have the same opportunities as men.

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