Seminar on Quantum Technologies: Don’t Forget the Common Good

Seminar on Quantum Technologies: Don’t Forget the Common Good

Discoveries in research should also bring benefits to less developed countries, Cardinal Secretary Pietro Parolin told participants in an event organized at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences Cassina Pio IV under the theme “Science and “Quantum Technology: Recent Advances and New Perspectives. “. From November 30 to December 2, experts will discuss modern technologies, planetary problems and ethical issues.

Christine Seuss and Tiziana Campici – Vatican City

Scientists, businessmen and technology and market experts from around the world are gathering today from November 30 to December 2 at the Vatican’s Casina Pio IV for a workshop organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on “Quantum Science and”. Technology: Recent Advances and New Perspectives.” President Joachim von Braun says in an interview with Vatican News that the world’s poorest regions are not excluded. “These regions are not neglected when it comes to innovation,” so that “future innovation will also benefit them.” The meeting opened with a speech by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, who first outlined the importance of the common good, pointing out that the nature of quantum physics must be preserved. Used by people all over the world. Second, poor countries and poor people should benefit, the cardinal added. Therefore, access to modern technological opportunities should be open even to the least affluent regions of the planet. Thus, von Braun noted, “products arising from quantum mechanics have implications for justice.”

Body Quantum of good for the planet

Erwin Schrödinger, Max Planck and Niels Bohr were members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences about a hundred years ago and represented the “avant-garde of quantum physics”, recalled the head of the pontifical body created to promote the progress of mathematics, physics, Study of the natural sciences and related intellectual problems. Even Albert Einstein, although not a member, maintained friendly relations with many members of the Academy. “Therefore, we are proud to host both a commemorative event and a conference that will review the successes already achieved in quantum physics and quantum mechanics and explore future prospects for quantum physics,” says von Braun. The event has about 80 participants, many of whom are dedicated to pure physics, while others deal with new applications. Among them, for example, there are representatives on their agenda for problems of complex systems such as quantum physics, logistics, health issues, climate issues, but also food,” says the head of the Academy. Pontifical. Science. between basic research and application to improve living conditions and health problems on Earth. We are interested in getting in touch.

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Bodyy Philosophers

Physicists who are members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences also take part in the work, “because here physics, technology, philosophy and religion are considered together,” emphasizes von Braun. “It is also important to note that the pioneers of quantum physics were not simple technicians who studied only the movement of photons and atoms. Every day, everything related to screens and lasers. They were also philosophers,” says the head of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. For example, Schrödinger, who invented the equation that bears his name, defined what he thought was the definition and origin of life, genetic engineering, and essentially, “the soul and what it means to be human.” There is a soul and the existence of this soul without and after the death of the body. “This may seem strange in a society of elite physicists, but it is not paradoxical.”

CieNC and faith

A century ago, with its first steps, quantum physics – at least – “raised the basic thinking of traditional physics”, while in the next hundred years it developed even more, notes von Braun. “In our academy we consider it important to stay up-to-date and at the frontiers of basic science, because it often produces new discoveries, which, once basic scientific phenomena are clarified, quickly gain relevance for applied science. And this is also the case of quantum physics and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics has become more relevant to everyday life. Quantum “Science has clarified the limits of what can be scientifically understood. But where is the search and consciousness of God in all this? The divine thing about quantum physics is that it offers new approaches to consciousness, to the thought of consciousness,” reveals the head of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The conference brings together quantum physics and brain research, and not just quantum mechanics. Epistemological Issues in the Realm of Consciousness. In all our scientific endeavors we connect science with the problems of the humanities, philosophy, and religion. “We see neither conflict nor opposition, but rather complementarity between science and faith.”

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toMaSo that progress does not forget the poor

The goal is to stay up-to-date with the latest scientific advances and evaluate how they can benefit humanity, says physicist Wanderley Salvador Pagnato, professor of quantum science at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and Texas A&M University (USA). , among the organizers of the three-day event at Cascina Pio IV. Quantum mechanics is one of the most successful scientific advances we’ve seen in the last hundred years, and it’s now becoming a technology that helps us with many things, such as the development of new drugs, new computers, and the possibility of solving problems. What remains unsolved today is to develop sensors that help detect diseases or even climate change,” he adds. These are scientific advances that can help humanity in many ways. ‘It is very appropriate for the Pontifical Academy of Sciences to be involved. Recognizing that, how can science help us out of the many crises we are experiencing today?’ Tell the world what can be done. For the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, it is very important that “new developments” do not increase the gap between the societies of the five continents. , so good preparation is necessary for those who dedicate themselves to these technologies. Professor Pagnato said that sometimes it is not easy to understand these topics, and that it is uncomfortable to face poverty and lack of education. agrees. “That’s why we want to create a document that clarifies the importance of all this and why people should invest in education on this topic,” concludes the educator, “When new technology comes, everyone should be ready to use it well. “.

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