Argentina’s future: What Peruvians living there think of Javier Mille? | ARE

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Witness the rise of this 53-year-old ‘foreigner’ and his radical ideas (Milei defines himself as an anarcho-capitalist. Abortion and quoting the Holy Bible) Peruvians living there, not a few. There are writers and actresses Vanessa Rabiano, lives in Buenos Aires with her Argentinian husband and children. We spoke to her on the same day as the second phase of the election, when tensions were high. “The problem here is uncertainty, because you never know how much things will cost. I was in Peru recently and I noticed that things go up to 10 cents, which already seems like a lot; here things go up a hundred percent. You have to go to school with a briefcase full of money, like a pass. . “It is the devaluation of money.”

In Argentina, where she lives, Rabiano has worked as a screenwriter and actress in some series. He has also created content for Politician and Perfect Segundo Cernatas. (Photo: Richard Hirano)

/ Photo Editors > Richard Hirano

The feeling experienced by a good part of Argentine society is that the money they earn does not have the same value outside. The opposition candidate seems to have capitalized on the legitimacy of social developments in the face of the daily intractable problem compared to the opinion of the ruling party’s Masa, who is the current economy minister. Musician Lucho GonzalezThe guitarist of Chabuca Granda and Fito Páez has lived in Buenos Aires for decades and sees Sunday’s sighting as a vote to punish Kirchnerism in power.

“It’s true that Miley hasn’t given you any hope since you heard that. He is a guy who sometimes seems crazy, but circumstances lead him to choose something or more. People have voted for anything but what we have. Here are seven types of dollars. So, what we saw was a leap in the void. The Argentine, when he falls, prays that there will be water below, otherwise he will crash. Now Miley has to control herself, because she might be a little crazy, but she’s not innocent. “He needs to calm down and negotiate because he doesn’t have a majority.”

Universal Peruvian.  Lucho Gonzalez is proud of the strength of Peruvian culture.  (Mario Zapata)

Universal Peruvian. Lucho Gonzalez is proud of the strength of Peruvian culture. (Mario Zapata)

A Peruvian playwright who openly disapproves of what happened on Sunday Romina KattiLived in Buenos Aires since 2017. One of the things threatened by the soon-to-be Miley government, he’s there, lured by the prospect of a good free education. “I regret Miley’s success and her proposals. They want to destroy certain aspects of the Argentine universe, politically and economically, as well as civil liberties that work well. I don’t agree with the total deregulation of the market without government intervention, the dissolution of ministries like health or education. “I also do not agree with denying the genocide that took place during the dictatorship.” Another matter of concern is the revocation of rights won by women, such as access to abortion and recognition of the LGTBIQ community.

Given this panorama, social conflicts are expected to be just around the corner. “I think what I can be sure of right now is that if he tries to implement the radical measures of his program there will be a great deal of opposition from those who voted against him. I understand that this opposition will come mainly from Congress, where there is a Peronist majority. I visualize a scene full of tensions,” concludes Kati.

Romina Gatti feels that many fear a backlash on public policies

Romina Gatti feels that many fear a backlash on public policies

President-elect Millay has shown signs of wanting to moderate his position. He is no longer campaigning. The man who Pope Francis rudely described a few years ago as “a scoundrel” and “representative of evil on earth” has now become “the most important Argentine in history” after speaking with him. Argentine society faces the difficult task of balancing a desire for change with caution and the need for stability for the country’s future. //

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