Congressman Miguel Chichia, involved in lobbying between Sunat and real estate | Peru

According to information gathered by Panorama, the Congressman of the Republic (Popular Renewal), Miguel Cichia Vázquez, would have committed the crime of influence in favor of his relatives, due to the efforts made before Sunam, based in Piura.

Sunday reports that the congressman has coordinated an appointment for him in May 2022 daughter-in-law General Manager of Ginza Company Valeria Landa Vasquez met with the Regional Mayor. Circumcision Beura.

After several consultations with the journalist, the MP admitted that he had arranged the above meeting with his family member to discuss alleged tax incentives for a housing project.

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Although Miguel Chicchia says that after the meetings, his daughter-in-law’s company did not benefit.

Criminal lawyer Andy Carrion notes, “A specific decision is not required to commit the crime of influence peddling. A single generation of the crowd is sufficient and it has the potential to influence the actual or simulated potential as the code states before the public officer”.

Congresswoman Cicia Vasquez was not the only member of Congress at the meeting. His advisor and technical experts from his office also attended the meeting to take notes.

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He met Sunat

The Sunday newspaper describes the plans of Ciccia Vásquez’s relatives to consult for a tax break for businessmen who “donate” part of the money they use to buy a house.

Miguel Chichea Vázquez, Congressman of the Republic, entered the Sunat headquarters at 10:37 a.m., along with his daughter-in-law.

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The appointment was held by Ligia Ortega Pereda, the regional mayor of Sunat Piura.

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After the statement, the congressman said: “I will never approach a company with her (her daughter-in-law), it is my family and well, I will only meet the family as a family member,” he said.

Criminal attorney Andy Carrion says the congressman will also move forward on a charge of embezzlement because he used workers to manage and implement certain types of procedures at a public company in favor of his relative. Imprisonment for 2 to 4 years.

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