Less freedom, economically

Less freedom, economically

Almost nothing happens by accident. Perhaps telluric movements, but even these give warning and clues before they manifest themselves. Something similar is happening in Spain’s economy. The signs (data, attitudes, wrong decisions) show it Things don’t go as Sanchismo’s space engineering would have liked For your fair racket.

Following the announcement of BBVA’s takeover bid for Banco Sabadell, we commented on how a private company began to criticize the decision of a private company to pay a certain amount to the shareholders of another private company. For their participation, within the most elegant current law. Weeks later, he continues to lie about his decision-making powers, which the law doesn’t contemplate.

Until not long ago, the official theory was that Mr. Contrary to what the body revealed, the financial system should seek to strengthen its position through mergers and acquisitions, because the financial market is Europe, not Spain. do you remember

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He Mr. Uncontrollable intervention of the body This week has a strong, visible, and measurable reflection on the financial life of the country we live in (I don’t mean our country for a long time). Spain is declining in economic freedom according to the Index of Economic Freedom 2024 (ILE 24) carried out by the Heritage Foundation (which has been published for almost thirty years) and the Institute for Economic Studies in Spain.

Along with the outstanding characteristics of this PSOE and some of its co-leaders, the warning signals emanating from the report are ignored because it is a conservative North American institution and therefore its work is sectarian, biased, and false. Any piece of paper from a small group or herd of mammals on the left that reveals the truth may save them time and stop reading. But let me remind you that the above code is on the desk in the offices of major investment centers around the world.

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It contains Global Dell ILE 2 Ranking4, Spain ranked 55th out of 184 countries. In a ranking of OECD member states, it ranks 31st out of 38 and compared to the EU’s ILE, Spain has lost one place this year to an embarrassing twenty-third place out of 27 member states.

If we focus on the trade freedom index, Spain is in the bottom half of the group of developed countries, ranking twenty-fourth out of 43 countries.

At this point, I wonder what the current constitution is for this PSOE government and its supporters. Article 38 of the Magna Carta states: “Freedom of commerce is recognized within the framework of a market economy. “The public authorities guarantee and protect their exercise and productivity, according to the demands of the public economy and planning where appropriate.”

We have many testimonies of the government’s contempt for the Constitution. The most recent and perhaps the most painful This is PSOE’s argument about the poor amnesty law, the constitution only prohibits amnesties, but its constitution affirms the fact that there is no amnesty. It is a legal error that I wish some members of the Constitutional Court, even if they lost in the judgment, unraveled for the ultimate consequences.

Sorry for rambling before these lines. I had to talk about the economy, in which the 1998 Constitution protects so wisely and sensibly that it is sometimes difficult to keep calm.


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