A royal carriage with the latest automotive technology

A royal carriage with the latest automotive technology

Last ceremony Coronation lived that United Kingdom That was in 1953. Next week will be this week: Saturday, May 6. An event that will focus a good portion of the news in the coming days and the world of motoring will also have its own share. Royal Carriages: There is one of them Equipment Worthy of anything Modern vehicle.

After Elizabeth II’s death in September 2022, her son Carlos became king. However, his coronation Charles III It will be held in London eight months later. This appointment will be followed in all corners of the planet and the United Kingdom is preparing for it: a whole Visual display In which the Wagons will play an important role.

Carlos and Camila, The Queen Consort will travel from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey in one of these royal vehicles. Chosen for this maiden voyage Diamond Jubilee State Coach, A cart, at first glance, is deceiving.

Its aesthetics, with less embellishment than usual, seem 19th century: nothing could be further from the truth. The float was built in Australia as a memorial 80th birthday of the queen Isabel II: The series took another eight years to complete due to delays 2010.

Comfort in a royal carriage

It took another four years to send it to the United Kingdom because no way could be found to finance its transport: It was first used in 2014. At the State Opening of Parliament, one of the country’s biggest political events, at the Palace of Westminster.

Stomach It is 5.5 meters long, weighs 2,750 kg and hides the usual technology of modern vehicles in its classic appearance: Aluminum chassis, electric windows, heating and hydraulic suspension. More comfortable floating elements than the Gold State Coach: It would have been used by King Carlos III after his coronation.

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Royal Carriage

Another is floating

He Golden State coach Since 1830, the carriage has been used at all coronations in the United Kingdom. Built in 1760, It features inlaid gold decoration, is 8.8 meters long and weighs over 3,900 kg.

Also, according to some who rode this float, Very uncomfortable. William IV, who ruled between 1830 and 1837, admitted that sailing in it was like doing so in a stormy ship amid rough seas. George VI (1936-1952) he affirmed that the journey was one of the most uncomfortable of his life. Isabel II He described his coronation journey as “horrendous” and assured that the vehicle was not made to travel.


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