A space for dialogue to advance science and technology – Diario de Centro America

A space for dialogue to advance science and technology – Diario de Centro America

Solola joined the departments registering cases of acute neurological disease. According to official reports, there are now six jurisdictions with the disease, making a total of 69.

The number of patients is distributed in Suchitepequez, Retalhulu, Quetzaltenango, Huehuetenango, Xolola and Guatemala. Health officials called for continued and redoubled preventive measures and not to speculate on the causes of the disease.

He National Institutes of Health (LNS) confirmed that Campylobacter bacteria were detected in samples taken from chicken meat, but this did not mean that it was the cause of the syndrome; However, misinformation has created uncertainty. Bernarda Santos, a vendor of this product at the San Bernardino Municipal Market, Sucitbequez, indicated that her sales have dropped by almost 50 percent.

69 people have contracted the disease, of which five have died.

Argelina Salinas, who lives in the area, said she is afraid to eat all kinds of meat. With this in mind, Lorena Gobern from the Epidemiology and Risk Management Directorate of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) emphasized that it cannot be determined whether the condition is caused by the consumption of chicken; He explained that it has to do with hygiene when handling food or water. Maria del Rosario de Falla, president of the National Poultry Farmers Association (ANAV), noted that 35 million pounds of chicken are produced in the country each year.

In addition, he highlights that the speculation has created confusion among residents. For its part, MSPAS continues with prevention activities with food traders and consumers, mainly in the most affected areas.

Marco Livio Díaz, head of the Supervision of Tax Administration (SAT), promised to increase measures to prevent the entry of contaminated contraband to protect the health of consumers.

Giovanni Perez Photographer: Mariano MaxGiovanni Perez Photographer: Mariano Max
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