A young man from Chile who was getting ready for marriage has saved the lives of 5 people by donating his organs.

A young man from Chile who was getting ready for marriage has saved the lives of 5 people by donating his organs.
Organ donation has once again saved the lives of many Peruvians. (Photo: Andina)

Peru’s Social Security Insurance (EsSalud) was able to save five lives thanks to the noble action of the relatives of a young man who came to Peru to prepare for his wedding, but, unfortunately, he had health problems. medium and died Alberto Sabogal Solokuran National Hospitalof Callo.

According to EsSalud, the individual came from Chile To say the long-awaited yes from the altar on September 23. However, the Wedding Because could not execute Cerebrovascular accident It ruined all plans.

The man fought for his life for ten days at the First Port Hospital but was unsuccessful. Despite the tragic end of the love story, her family decided to honor her wish Donate your organs To save the lives of others.

Once approved, from Assault Donation protocols implemented. “Studies were done to rule out diseases and to determine compatibility of organs with patients on the waiting list,” said Merlin Regalado, advocacy coordinator at the Alberto Sabogal Hospital.

Sabokal Hospital, Gallaville. (Photo: Andina)

After receiving the results of the applicable studies, it was decided that the liver would go to the patient at the Almenara Hospital with zero urgency criteria. Meanwhile, kidneys and corneas were destined for the same patients Sabogal Hospital.

It is important to note that recipients in the same age range as the donor were transplanted within 24 hours. Today they all got a new chance in life.

After saving so many lives, Alberto Sabogal Hospital Advocate Coordinator appreciated the selfless gesture of the groom’s relatives. Likewise, he reminded people that organ donation should be seen as an act of loving one’s neighbour.

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EsSalud reports that organ transplants are performed at institutions such as Heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and kidney. Likewise, tissue transplants such as cornea and bone marrow.

So far in 2023, the Social Health Insurance Also has done 290 transplants across the country Its 9 health centers are accredited to perform these highly complex surgeries.

Organ donation has declined drastically in the country. – Thanks: Andina

Because of this unity, it is important to remember that family members must know and respect the decision of the deceased. According to Peru’s Social Health Insurance, one in every 10 families will, during their lifetime, express their wish. Donate organs8 Those unwilling to honor that will.

The majority refuse because of misinformation or myths about this procedure, which could save 6,000 patients on the waiting list. “Rejection by relatives of donors has increased by more than 80% this year. This is due to lack of knowledge, prejudices, myths and taboos about the subject. And, in general, there is a high level of distrust and rejection of the culture of organ and tissue donation,” said Dr. Mary Diaz. said Galvez, manager of purchasing and transplant operations Assault.

For this reason, the expert emphasized the importance of talking about the problem as a family, preparing for moments of pain and being able to overcome them in solidarity with others.

“In the interviews, many relatives never discuss this matter at home, mostly out of fear. Another myth is that some people think that seriously ill patients die in order to harvest their organs. This is completely wrong, because the doctors’ job is always to save life. Only if the patient is brain dead, according to the law, the Procura Committee They are responsible for talking to the family,” says the doctor.

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Currently, only in Peru 2 donors per million people. The number of thousands of Peruvians on the waiting list is not very encouraging.


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