Alaska Airlines | What happened to the Boeing 737 Max 9? | What Prevented a Tragedy on an Alaska Airlines Flight? | Portland | USA | Oregon | NTSB | the world

Alaska Airlines |  What happened to the Boeing 737 Max 9?  |  What Prevented a Tragedy on an Alaska Airlines Flight?  |  Portland |  USA |  Oregon |  NTSB |  the world

On Tuesday, the Andhra agency revealed that the plane involved in the incident was not used for travel Hawaii After a warning light indicating pressurization problems on three different planes.

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As a precautionary measure, Alaska Airlines He said he decided to stop planning long flights over water for that flight, “to be able to return to the airport very quickly” if the warning light reappeared. Jennifer HomandyChairman National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) of America.

A panel that fell from an Alaska Airlines flight was found in a Portland home. (Photo Manual/NTSB/AFP).

/ Manual

According to the AP, Homandy clarified that the pressurization light was unrelated to what happened Friday.

Witnesses speak

Chain He explained after the blast. A boy's shirt is sucked from his torso and pulled out through the hole. Some passengers screamed and cried as they texted their loved ones. Also, oxygen masks fell from the ship's roof.

CNN contacted the passenger by phone Nick Hoch33, said “a mist or cloud hit me in the face” during the incident. He described the experience as “traumatic,” “tense” and “terrifying.”

I was startled and very scared.“I think other people were also very disturbed,” he added. Hoch.

CNN reported Hoch He was seated on the left side of the plane, two rows in front of where the split panel exploded. “There were people very close to whom I spoke His AirPods came out of his ears“, continued the witness.

Another passenger, Vi Nguyen, told The New York Times that she woke up to a thunderclap.

“I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was an oxygen mask in front of me.”Nguyen told the newspaper. “I looked to the left and the side panel of the plane was gone,” he explained.

No passengers occupy the row where the panel is located.  (Photo Manual/NTSB/AFP).

No passengers occupy the row where the panel is located. (Photo Manual/NTSB/AFP).

/ Manual

A record has been published As the incident occurred at an altitude of 17,000 feet, the pilot asked air traffic control for permission to lower the altitude, according to CNN. “We are declaring an emergency. We have to go below 10,000., said. At that altitude there is enough oxygen in the air to breathe safely.

After clearance was granted, the pilot reported to air traffic control: “We're in an emergency, we're depressed, we need to turn around, We have 177 passengers. Fuel eighteen eight.”

The plane landed safely at the airport about 20 minutes after take off. Portland. No one was injured.

An Alaska Airlines flight was spotted at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on January 11, 2023.  (Image: Daniel SLIM / AFP).

An Alaska Airlines flight was spotted at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on January 11, 2023. (Image: Daniel SLIM / AFP).

/ Daniel Slim

What factors prevented a tragedy?

Accordingly Jennifer HomandyChairman NTSPAt least two elements prevented tragedy Alaska Airlines.

First, Seats near the panel separated from the aircraft are not occupied.

Second, it occurred shortly after departure. Not yet reaching cruising altitude, and while passengers were still wearing seat belts.

At the time of the explosion, the back of seat 26A was completely gone, as were the headrests of seats 25A and 26A.

“We're very fortunate that it didn't end in something more tragic.”said Homandy. No one was sitting in seats 26A and 26B, near the panel known as 'door plug', he added.

One Monroe Aerospace explained that this type of panel must always remain closed when the pressure inside the aircraft differs from that outside.. On larger aircraft, operated as a gate Emergency exit.

L Boeing 737 MAX 9. (AFP).

L Boeing 737 MAX 9. (AFP).

They find the panel

He group Fuselage separated from the aircraft Alaska Airlines Found in the backyard of a house Portland.

The owner of the house informed NTSP About the subject, Jennifer Homandy said at a press conference Sunday night

The discovery of the fragment may be key to helping clarify what happened.


A cracked iPhone still works

One of the many objects that were sucked from the plane and fell to about 16,000 feet iPhoneIt later ran, ABC News reported.

Sean BatesResident Washingtonsaid on Sunday I found an iPhone on the side of the road And it's “still in airplane mode on half the battery.”

According to pictures he tweeted, his screen showed a check-in receipt for an airline passenger's suitcases. bats.

At the bottom of the picture you can see the charger cable is broken and its plug is still attached to the phone, said the same bats In another message on the social network X.

I went for a walk today and found an Alaska Airlines passenger's phone on the floor.. What better excuse to go for a ride this afternoon, the NTSB asked people to report anything that appears to have fallen off from a recent accident. Alaska Airlines. Fortunately, no one was injured or absorbed. But some belongings were lost,” he said later. bats In a video.

“They were still looking for the door and I found a spot Telephone 16,000 feet down and lying on the side of the road. I was a little skeptical at first, I thought he might have fallen from the car,” he continued. “I found it. It was still clean. There were no scratches on it. It was under a bush I don't have screen lock“So I opened it up and it was in flight mode with a travel confirmation and a baggage receipt from Alaska Flight 1282, so I had to call NTSB,” he explained.

An NTSB officer went to the location where the phone appeared. The office confirmed the veracity of the story batsABC News said.

The Boeing 737 Max has landed

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of America He ordered “an immediate review of some Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft before returning them to flight.”

He said 171 aircraft of this model were to be inspected and each inspection would take four to eight hours.

According to AFP agency, Boeing has delivered around 218 737 MAX aircraft so far.

Sunday, Boeing Its CEO, Dave Calhoun, scheduled a safety meeting Tuesday with all employees at the company's factory located in Washington state.

According to FAA records, the plane involved in the incident was certified in October.

Alaska Airlines Landed all aircraft of that model.

United AirlinesIt has the world's largest fleet of 737 MAX 9s, indicating that it has landed 46 aircraft and 33 have already been inspected.

Aeromexico The airline will ground 19 of its B737 MAX-9 aircraft for inspection, the airline said in a statement.

Copa Airlines announced the grounding of 21 aircraft and Turkish Airlines announced the grounding of five aircraft in its fleet.

Iceland It noted that none of its 737 MAX 9s have the aircraft configuration specified in the FAA grounding order.

Boeing 737 Max crashes.  (AFP).

Boeing 737 Max crashes. (AFP).

Boeing 737 Max grounded for 20 months

Problems with that Boeing 737 Max They are not new. Those flights were grounded around the world for 20 months following a ban following two accidents Maximum 8 346 people died in 2018 and 2019.

In late 2020, the 737 MAX returned to flying in most markets around the world.

But the problems for the company did not end at that time. In April last year, Boeing It said it had discovered a manufacturing problem with some of the planes 737 max A supplier used a “substandard manufacturing process” when installing two parts in the rear trunk. Boeing He insisted the issue did not pose a security risk, CNN reported.

Last month, Boeing Airlines have been asked to review everything 737 max After an airline discovered a possible problem with a key component on two planes, they discovered a loose screw in the rudder system, CNN reported.

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