Aldo Corzo on Universitario vs Goiás preview: “We know the championship is long and ends in December” | Opening Match League 1 2023 | South American Cup | Game-Total

Aldo Corzo on Universitario vs Goiás preview: “We know the championship is long and ends in December” |  Opening Match League 1 2023 |  South American Cup |  Game-Total

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– Is there any position for the jury this year? Do you think this is one of the seasons with the biggest errors and do you think VAR – announced for the Clausura – will help avoid the more serious ones?

I don’t want to comment on referees because we all make mistakes and we are all human. However, I’m honest, I think VAR would help a lot. Everyone, the referees, help make the competition more legitimate. There will be fewer mistakes and, of course, fewer doubts.

‘U’: You were one of the few survivors of a brutal year in 2018. You were once a captain too. How do you see that season? What was done wrong and should not be repeated?

Yes, I was captain once when Juan Manuel (Vargas) was away. We had a team with a lot of experienced players but we were unlucky and we lost them between injuries and other things. In addition, we could not sign in the summer due to financial problems and we had to play with many boys from the youth academy. At first you think nothing serious is going to happen, but when the tournament started and we started losing one or two home games, I started to worry. Thank God, German (Denis), Pablo (Lavanteira) and Alberto (Rodriguez) came and gave us a hand. The team was very, very emotional.

Did someone tell you that you couldn’t even sleep?

Yes, of course, because we were very worried because we couldn’t find the way. The elders know that we need to provide something else, another type of energy, I don’t know. There were many stormy nights, great anxiety. Well, we’ve done it.

– Do you think that was a century ago? Five years later, the ‘U’ seems to be on a different path, solid at an organizational level, filling the stadium every day, the team winning both matches. fight What do you think happened?

The changes are very positive. Constant changes in management have created instability and affected the team, that’s true. This year has to be the best I’ve been at the club, where things are done well, I mean, everything is in order, people take care of it, they go on the field and the team wins. We lack nothing, we have all priorities to be better.

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– What has changed?

All. I see a good job in marketing, finance, etc. and we have no problem. In terms of the game, Manuel (Barreto) has done a good job with the planning, so many things are coming together and the team is doing well as a result. I’m going to tell you something that maybe people don’t understand: the stability of a club is always reflected in the team. That is what is happening now. But there is still a long way to go, which ends in December.

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-The photo of ‘U’ with the cake as a child ended the debate whether you’re a fan or not…

Yes, I think everyone has already seen it. My friends, almost everyone is a fan. me too I have respect for Alianza because that’s where I started, but I’m a fan.

-So, for a fan who is the captain of his club, is there much difference between playing in a stadium with 10,000 people and now playing with 50,000 people?

Look, I don’t want to compare to any club, but now 40, 50,000 people go to the monument on Monday or Sunday is crazy. It is very beautiful. It has its conditioning, of course: the fan goes because he feels this team represents him on the field. That’s why I’m telling you: if a club head is right, it will show in all aspects. We are very happy, we are grateful to the fans, we are living together, but frankly, we want more. We don’t want to keep playing some good games. We need to get the goods. We want. And we believe we are on the right track. This team that was created, ufff, you don’t know, a great team that loves the club so much.

-Was this the best team that touched you in your seven years at the ‘U?

In 2017, when I arrived, a large team was assembled. But I say that with respect because the best players have come to the club this time, the best quality, I feel that this year a great team has come together not only with the players but also with the people. It is very important to achieve the objectives of the year and that is what excites me.

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What is George Fossati’s role in the U’s, who have started losing in three home games and are now fighting for the championship?

We’ve only had him for a couple of months, but I have to say George is a nice guy. I think it was therapy that changed everything: He was an honest, direct person who would tell you things. He has many virtues, his team management, his experience in facing competition, but hey, as I told you earlier, we judge more on the kind of person he is and how he fits into the team.

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What did Fossati do better that the previous tech command didn’t?

(Compagnucci) worked well. I say this very respectfully because they have different qualities, the way George manages the team, how he approaches the player. He talks to us all the time and works a lot on the mental side based on his experience, which makes the player more confident in playing where it puts him.

-For example, someone who took you from the side to make you a blocker. Or Andy Polo, who moved him back to let him be a winger like that, and a winger.

And in a few days. At the start, he explained to us that this is the formation he usually uses for teams -3-5-2-. The squad saw that playing like this was enough and took advantage of each one. It’s true what you say about Andy, one of the leaders in the locker room. Today he is one of the best players in the championship.

Centenary of ‘U’, Flores and Rudias

-Are you going to captain the ‘U’ at Centenario?

Asu, I don’t think so. I mean, I have a contract, but it’s seen every day. I’m not projecting myself, I want to be good this year, play in all the games and come out as a champion. That is the goal. The competition is long and there are other routes to the final. We don’t think about other games, just ours and winning the next game. Nothing else. It ends in December.

-There is a debate among the fans about the importance of being champion this year. Which side are you on?

Both! I can’t choose! It will be better next year, God willing, the goal is now achieved, right? I’m really excited about this year, it’s a long one and we’re going to fight. If that happens, imagine how much more amazing 2024 will be.

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Is it difficult to accept the captaincy?

I don’t think much about it. My family and I are great believers and we know that sometimes what one wishes for with faith comes true. That’s where my focus is today. That peace helps me achieve my goals. So I’m dealing with Jose Carvalho and some other colleagues, Andy Polo, to share some parameters so that we all conform and work well together. We know that we have to give everything we do to God and that He calms us down when we go out into the field.

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– Piero Quispe Are you thinking of going abroad soon?

This is the promise of the corporation. He is going in the right direction, life experiences in every aspect and it will help him grow. It will go away as it consolidates, I’m sure. It will be very soon.

-Are the doors of the Edison Flores Club open?

I’ve heard the rumor too but that’s it. Who wouldn’t love to have Oreja on the team? He has had a great career and we have experienced beautiful things together in the national team. Whenever you want, now or in a few months, this is your club.

Raul Ruidias has always suggested his return to the club. Have you talked to him?

Raul is a great man. He had a great career abroad. It depends on their personal desires, what they want for their career. I wish them both to be well forever. Here we will wait for you.

– Which of the foreigners did you have the best relationship with?

with everyone. I already know Kalka and I know he is going to help us. Emmanuel is a consummate professional. You don’t know how it works. Like Martin, Riveros or Di Benedetto. My job is to make them feel at home. Thank God we were able to develop that empathy.

-Do you think Chile Urena is the player made for U?

Clarity. On top of how he runs, he has added that character and quality. He commands the team not only with the ball. He talks a lot and knows how to listen.

(Photo: GEC)

Team Peru

-Uribe, Leguia, Zumbi, the 1981 World Cup players say people forget everything except that you qualified for the World Cup. It will go down in history. Do you agree?

I’ve had colleagues who’ve played in the Champions League, the Club World Cup, and they say there’s nothing bigger than going to the World Cup. Unbelievable. I have everything. I even brought the slippers they gave me on flights, haha.

– Do you still feel called?

Competition is fierce. Sometimes you want to be at any position because it’s the national team, it’s a privilege. I want to come back: I couldn’t be at Juan’s last two calls, I broke my nose last year and I didn’t play.

-Peru is a team with an average age of 30. Qualifying will be tough, but it will also be the perfect closure for this generation.

Yes, I believe the players are there and there is still a solid team. Yes, I think we can qualify. We have a lot of good things and bad things, and I’m sure Peru will appreciate it even more in a few years.


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