Aldo Miyashiro admits: “It’s been the saddest and hardest year and a half of my life, but it’s time to be happy” | Interview | Erika Villalobos | “Forgive Me” | America TV | Father in trouble Request | Fiorella Reddys | TVMAS

Aldo Miyashiro admits: “It’s been the saddest and hardest year and a half of my life, but it’s time to be happy” |  Interview |  Erika Villalobos |  “Forgive Me” |  America TV |  Father in trouble  Request |  Fiorella Reddys |  TVMAS

In November 2022, seven months after starring in the popular Ambe with reporter Fiorella Reddis, the actor lost his mother. Drowning in severe depression – according to the medical diagnosis – his work became an important refuge from failure. Currently, he acts and writes scripts in the soap opera “Perdóname”, hosts “La banda del Chino” and directs the play “Los hombres no Lloran”.

At the worst moment I turned to professional help. I was told my depression could become chronic. It was Alto who smiled when the lights went up on the set because I didn’t want to show my emotions in public. I didn’t want to leave my house, I was so sad. But the time has come to be happy. A year after my mother died, I decided to let go of all the things they said and didn’t say, the truths, the lies and the blows. I have to stop this grief that I am still carrying in my body because otherwise I will be drowning in sadness for the rest of my life. There are so many emotional responsibilities that I can’t fulfill if I don’t get out of this. I worry more about myself. It’s time to live again and try to be happy, it’s the best thing I can do for my children and those who love me.”, he nods.

“Forgive me”

In mid-2022, producer Michael Alexander proposed to Miyashiro to star in a fictional film with Andre Silva. Additionally, he also asked him for an idea for his next project.

I told him that I had had the idea for a while that Erica and I should be the protagonists. I explained to him that despite being apart and having problems, we can work together. This is how the novel ‘Pertoneme’ was born, which allows me to act out with my children (Michael and Fer) and share with Erika. Although we are not a couple now, we get along well. We are developing the leads (he plays Lito Acosta and she plays Laura Ferratas) to play these types of roles at an unconventional age.”, he commented.

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It was supposed to be done in March this year, during ‘Lus de Luna 3’. But the channel decided to move the schedule as this soap opera is going strong. My idea and Erica’s idea to do a play (the “Birthday Candles” play) like mine was to record the novel and make it attractive in the theater, but now we’re doing both. It’s really tiring”, the National Artist clarifies.

How do you handle the emotions in the more intense and romantic scenes? (The ex-couple characters will have their first kiss this Monday). “AndWork. We are trained to feel what the character is feeling. It is. You don’t have to think anymore. They are serious, tough scenes, but nothing more. Also, it’s not the first time we’ve recorded together, we’ve done seven things. In strong scenarios we help each other to make things go well”, he clarifies.

Aldo Miyashiro, being a fallible human being, admits he made a mistake, so he apologizes to Erika, saying he’s happy to see her happy in a new relationship.

When it came out people liked me…. I was smiling because it gave me some relief. The overwhelming guilt I felt watching her suffer was fading away. It helped me a lot to heal my wounds. Knowing that the girl I’ve been with for 18 years has a chance to be happy, rebuilding her life without me, because I’ve always wanted her to be like that, can only make me happy.“, it is required.

Actor children

He also describes his legs shaking with excitement the first time he recorded with his son Michael. And he admits that he tried for years to choose another career. “But he defended his profession tooth and nail. He’s decided he wants to be an actor and we’re going to support him through it all“, he assures.

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Before they entered the novel, I told my children that there is no benefit, they earn very little, so they should realize how hard and sacrificial this work is. Also, it seemed unfair to me that these guys earn more than any other actor who has been in the business for 20 or 30 years. I told them that they need to know that this is a job like everyone else, they are always the same, and that they are no more or less than anyone else in dedicating themselves to this. That too, when asked for a photo or autograph, they do it with the same poise that their parents do. Let them try out, read their lyrics, arrive early, do what they have to do to get a spot.”, he clarifies.


Aalto admits she’s beefed up her plan to take on the competition, given the upcoming premiere of her new Latina drama “Tot in Trouble.”

Like us, they are definitely doing everything to beat us in the ratings. Competition is welcome, because if more fiction is made, there will be more work. May the best man win“, it is required.

We are doing well with the project. We are now over 20 points. People who come in at 9:45pm stay until the end, they get hooked and they don’t leave. We’re happy and relaxed, and we’re hoping people will be more drawn to what’s to come in the first moment of Lito and Laura’s romance, because what we’re writing is really cool.“, he assures.

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About the court decision

He also pointed out A case of violence against women and family members filed by reporter Fiorella Reddis was declared baseless.

I was sentenced yesterday (Wednesday). The special protection claim against me is declared baseless and unsubstantiated. I am calm because after complying with all the legal procedures: I went through the social worker and the psychologist, I did nothing and was proven innocent of the crime they charged me with. It would never occur to me to threaten to kill someone. Luckily it was able to be proven. People tell me I should sue, but I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t see going to the judiciary for legal trouble in the next few months. I have no anger and no desire for revenge. I have no animosity towards anyone. I’m at the point where I want to be quiet.”, asserts.

When I finish the novel, I dedicate myself to enjoying what I have built. I’ll drink with whoever inspires me, do things I’ve stopped doing, get close to people I love, travel, hang out with whoever I want. Rebuild my life with a partner? Falling in love again? I didn’t think about it, it wasn’t about finding a partner. If someone comes and wants me to make love, I will. It’s been a year and a half since the siege, and I’ve been worried about my children, whom I love dearly, about apologizing to Erika; But it’s over. Now I’m going to worry about myself”, he insists.

If you could change anything in your life, what would you change? “Some of the decisions I’ve made, in some moments I can’t really be. I won’t tell you a specific truth because life is all about ups and downs, failures, mistakes and assuming the consequences of mistakes,” he concludes.

“Perdóname” airs Monday through Friday at 9:40pm on America TV.


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