Amazon Prime Video: The worst movie in history: It ruined childhoods, left traumas and is only suitable for masochists | Disaster Movie | Cinema and series

Amazon Prime Video: The worst movie in history: It ruined childhoods, left traumas and is only suitable for masochists |  Disaster Movie |  Cinema and series

The comedy included various parodies of well-known characters and did not save it from low reception among critics and audiences. Photo: Lionsgate | Singavasal

Netflix offers one of the most destructive comedies of all time, but it’s not always bad when it comes to theatrical releases aside. To do this, we have to go back to 2008, when directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer launched what they thought would be a cinematic phenomenon, but it turned out to be the worst flop of their careers and even the critics insisted on it. What is it about? Talking about A “disaster movie”, you may have seen but forgotten.

What is a “disaster movie” about?

It reads the official synopsis: “Trapped in a city as earthquakes, tornadoes and asteroids destroy the Earth, three terrified friends find themselves in a series of crazy adventures as they search for a way to stop the onslaught of natural disasters.”

“Disaster Movie” It’s a quirky comedy that might be a bit difficult to describe because of all the elements involved. We see a beginning in different time periods: from the dinosaurs to the present world. Likewise, parodies of various characters from well-known films are included: “Alvin and the Chipmunks”, “Kung-Fu Panda”, even princesses like Giselle, from “Enchanted”.

The project was never guaranteed to succeed, but its makers never imagined it would fail. The film currently holds a 1% approval rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes and a 21% rating from audiences.

“Returning to seemingly base comedy, racial stereotypes and archaic pop culture gags, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer have made their worst film to date,” says the aforementioned portal’s consensus.

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Where to watch “Disaster Movie” online for free?

If you want to check if the “disaster movie” is as bad as the reviews say, watch the film on Amazon Prime Video. In fact, you can play the movie absolutely free using the free trial period that this streaming portal offers to its new users.


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