Angie Jibaja: Magaly Medina Admits She’s Sick, Suggests Going To Hospital If She Wants Her Kids Back | Show Business | trcm, | programs

Angie Jibaja: Magaly Medina Admits She’s Sick, Suggests Going To Hospital If She Wants Her Kids Back |  Show Business |  trcm, |  programs

Magali Medina spoke to Angie Jipaja after some comments by ‘La Cinita’ from Chile, which rejected her being admitted to a clinic. “La Urraga” advised the model to “admit she’s sick” if she wants her children back.

If you really want your children back, start recognizing ‘I’m not sick, I’m going to get better’. Recognize it and be determined to heal”revealed Journalist.

Therefore, considered that Angie As long as she is ‘clean and sound’ she should be admitted.

“That’s why she’s asking for help reintegrating into society, and when she shows that she can be a responsible woman, I think we’ll all help her regain the safety of her children.” revealed Magali Medina.

Angi Jibaja explodes against Magali

He didn’t like her. Angie Jibaja Alvaro Perez gave an interview to the YouTube channel of a journalist and also confessed against his addiction and driving. Magali Medina. Although the controversial model admitted she was wrong, she insisted ‘Magpie’ had misrepresented her situation.

“He’s a bad influence, he says yes to yes and he doesn’t do no.. As a journalist you have to exercise your role and investigate a matter thoroughly as it was in my case.He has a big mouth,” he said.

“You have to research the issues in the background, you don’t know, Skate all the time. I have all the evidence. Soon (I intend to show them) unfortunately, she feeds people’s hatred, she creates a world out of an image, she says, “I was in the barracks and it was Canada Avenue,” he added.

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