Another long holiday is coming in Peru: Know the dates and why | nnda-nnlt | Answers

Another long holiday is coming in Peru: Know the dates and why |  nnda-nnlt |  Answers

After Long vacation For International Labor Day (May 1), another festive bridge comes in June, when workers look forward to relaxing and spending time with family.

Peru has 15 holidays since 2023, two of which are in June: Arica War and Flag Day commemorated on the 7th; On the 29th, St. Peter and St. Paul Day, also known as Fisherman’s Day, will be celebrated.

One of these dates comes with a festive bridge. Next, find out what days they are so you can plan yourself.

When is the long holiday in June?

During the June 29 holiday for San Pedro and San Pablo, the government declared Friday, June 30, 2023 as a non-working day for public sector employees nationwide. These dates will include Saturdays and Sundays, which are regular holidays to create a festive bridge, which seeks to promote domestic tourism.

Why is June 29 a holiday?

One of the most important dates in the Catholic world is the day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, celebrated every June 29th as a holiday throughout Peru, as tributes are paid to the apostles of Jesus.

This date is also known as Fisherman’s Day, so St. Peter and St. Paul are the saints who guide the path of these workers who do their daily work at sea. Fishermen celebrate their day by carrying the images of saints in procession.

On June 29, fishermen pay homage to Saint Peter and Saint Paul (Photo: GEC)

What is the difference between a holiday and a non-working day?

  • holiday A holiday is a holiday on which workers in the government and private sectors can stop working. The same happens with students who stop attending classes. If an employee works on this day, they will receive extra pay, usually triple, even if it is a Sunday.
  • holiday A non-working day is mandated by the incumbent government and is aimed at the public sector. In the private sector, the employer decides whether their workers work or not. If an employee works casually, it does not mean that they will get extra pay as they will only get the same salary without any increase. Those taking time off should make up that time with overtime, work Saturdays, or treat them as part of a vacation.
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What are the 2023 holidays in Peru?

Including June 7, Peru has 15 holidays. Here is the list with 2023 dates:

  • Sunday, January 1: New year.
  • Thursday, April 6: Holy Thursday.
  • Friday 7th April: Holy Friday.
  • Monday 1st May: labor day
  • Wednesday June 7: Flag Day and the Battle of Arica.
  • Thursday, June 29: St. Peter and St. Paul.
  • Friday 28th July: National holidays.
  • Saturday 29 July: National holidays.
  • Sunday, August 6: A celebration of June’s battle.
  • Wednesday, August 30: Santa Rosa de Lima.
  • Sunday, October 8: Battle of Angamos.
  • Wednesday, November 1: All Saints Day.
  • Friday December 8: Immaculate concept.
  • Saturday 9 December: Battle of Ayacucho.
  • Monday, December 25: Christmas.

When are the remaining non-working days in Peru this 2023?

According to Supreme Decree 151-2022-PCM published on Thursday, December 29, 2022 in the official newspaper El Peruno, national non-working days were announced for the public sector between 2023 and 2024. You can use these dates after an agreement between the private sector employer and its workers to restore hours.

  • Friday, June 30, 2023
  • Thursday, July 27, 2023
  • Monday, October 9, 2023
  • Thursday, December 7, 2023
  • Tuesday, December 26, 2023
  • Tuesday, January 2, 2024

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