Apple is trying to build a smart home robot | Technology | Apple | iPhone | Robots | Artificial Intelligence | Domestic Robot | Technology

Apple is trying to build a smart home robot |  Technology |  Apple |  iPhone |  Robots |  Artificial Intelligence |  Domestic Robot |  Technology

Tech giant Apple It is working on developing a smart home robot that can follow people users to their homes, as Bloomberg reported this Wednesday.

Media reports indicate that Apple has teams exploring the possibility of a push toward personal robotics.

In addition, the iPhone maker will create an advanced home table device that uses robotics to move a screen to the user's liking.

Robotics work is carried out in Apple's hardware engineering division and its artificial intelligence and machine learning group, led by John Giannandrea.

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However, it is unclear whether the products, which are now in the research phase, will eventually be released to the public.

In late February, tech giant Apple scrapped its ambitious and expensive plan to launch an electric vehicle.

This year Apple has made it clear that it has its eyes on artificial intelligence (AI) and its CEO Tim Cook has confirmed that Apple will introduce AI features that it develops. “By the end of this year.”

It's no surprise that Apple wants to focus its energies on AI, as Bloomberg notes that Apple spends millions of dollars a day training its own AI model called Ajax.

The company has spent $113 billion on total research and development over the past five years.

Apple's latest release is the Vision Pro virtual reality glasses, its newest product in nearly a decade, priced at $3,499.

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More and more companies are setting their eyes on AI-equipped home robots.

At this year's CES electronics show in Las Vegas, Samsung rolled around the CES Polly, a yellow domestic rolling robot the size of a ball, which, according to specialist press, may be released to the public this year.

When LG seeks to develop a smart home robot “Home Without Work”, was invited “AI Agent”, Two legs with wheels and can “Move, learn, understand and participate in complex tasks.”

According to exclusive press, this robot may reach users in 2025. At no point has it been announced what the prices of these domestic machines will be.

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