Arequipa has been enduring more than four hours of rain, flooding avenues and streets

Arequipa has been enduring more than four hours of rain, flooding avenues and streets

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Arequipa Support is coming the rain 4:00 pm to m approx., that is why the streets are flooded due to heavy flow of water and streams are active along with stones and mud, causing vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic.

in the district Colorado MountainFor example, landslides have been reported in Las Conteras and Sor Ana de Los Angeles Association.

This has raised fears that the Anashuaico Bridge will overflow, as has happened in past years, cutting off residents of the Northern Cone region.

Arequipa can withstand more than four hours of rain | Source: RPP

At Aviasian Avenue, Jamakola Sector, post boxes collapsed near the rainwater, disrupting traffic and causing difficulty in crossing the road.

Similarly, on Ejercito Avenue, traffic is slow due to waterlogging of ditches due to rain.

In the district of Cama, Serenasco workers placed sandbags on the Cesar Vallejo Bridge to reinforce the drains located in the area. Some houses in Sector 18 of Buenos Aires are feared to be flooded.

Groups of Civil DefenseFor their part, they are recording damages and losses to houses; Meanwhile he National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru reported in (Senamhi). Arequipa Heavy to moderate rain will continue.

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