Austin Palau was caught arriving in Lima with Josemary Toledo after the event and fans were upset.

Austin Palau was caught arriving in Lima with Josemary Toledo after the event and fans were upset.

followers Instarandula They captured Austin Palau Y Josemary Toledo Together, immediately expressed concern at this closeness. The couple hosted events chachapoyas And arrived in Lima on the same flight.

As can be seen in many films, young people walk and talk once they arrive in the capital. “They both went to work animating the events and returned on the same flight,” reads the video he posted. Instarandula. In another publication, media personalities can be seen giving their explanations.

“Josemarie and Austin in a somewhat suspicious project,” another user wrote on her picture, where the models are seen again.

As you may recall, in April, Josemary Toledo He was the protagonist of a new arrow. The second time it was captured Paul HurtadoA football player who is married and has children.

On this occasion, the former police officer enjoyed a family weekend with the athlete Paul Hurtado, in a country house. So far, Josemarie has not commented on the matter, only releasing a few messages mentioning the situation she is going through.

in your account Instagram, also shares his days at the gym. He doesn’t post about the events he’s running yet.

Austin Palau and Josemary Toledo were caught arriving in Lima on the same flight.

Josemary Toledo He was approached by the press on several occasions, however, he indicated that he would not speak on the subject of “what they pay her”. However, he has surprised many by publishing a series of reflections on social networks.

Asking the public not to speak without complete information is highly controversial. “Don’t talk about what you don’t know, don’t talk about what you don’t care about. Don’t judge what you haven’t lived ”, read.

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In another he points out: “There are car owners, but no address. There are people who have homes but are homeless. There are people who have children but have no family. There are people with full pockets but empty hearts. There are people who are surrounded by people but live in solitude.

Reporting by Josemary Toledo.

Footage of their family outing came to light Paolo Hurtado and Josemary Toledo With her father, sisters and athletic brother-in-law in Santa Eulalia, Rosa Fuentes sent her some screenshots of a conversation she had with her children’s father.

Paulo Hurtado was enraged when he found Rosa Fuentes’ lawyer Magali Medina on the set and wrote threatening messages to her there. These were exposed on the ATV show.

“Let the war begin, let’s take everything now, let the best man win. Let’s go to war, sell watches and everything, let those watches last, but we’re going to war together now. Sell the watches and jewelry you stole from me,” wrote the footballer.

But he also warned Rosa Fuentes Who will ask Josemary Toledo Going to testify on the agendas to tell her full version of events and some episodes of her past.

“Now I’m going, just like you talk, I’m going to tell her to come out and talk, and you’re going to fight her, okay. She’s going to talk, now I’m going to tell her, I’m going to tell her everything, so she can talk. I’m not going to look bad here, nothing more. You want to play dirty, okay,” he wrote.

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Rosa FuentesUnlike many football wives, she did not give up and pursued divorce plans. Recently, he came to Lima from the US to file papers ending his marriage.

Paulo Hurtado warns Rosa Fuentes, who asks Josemary Toledo to come out to testify and tell about his past. Magali TV: Company. ATV.


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