Bala Marijuana created a scandal at the baptism of Dacey Ontaneda's son, reveals Lucie Pacicalupo: “My mother took her out” Showbiz Video | programs

Bala Marijuana created a scandal at the baptism of Dacey Ontaneda's son, reveals Lucie Pacicalupo: “My mother took her out” Showbiz Video |  programs

A grand revelation. In an interview with Trome's 'Café con la Chevez', Lucy, please talk It revealed a little-known incident between Paula Marijuan and Dacey Ontaneda, former partners of Mauricio Tez Canseco. All this happened a few years ago during the christening of the star's son.

Lucy said that Paula went to the church where the ceremony was taking place to smoke marijuana.

“My mother protected her at the baptism, and that's why Daisy loved her so much. My mother ran out of the church and told Paula to leave because she was causing trouble at the church door. Please leave, this is no time, he said he is in the church. Daisy didn't have a mother, I didn't, I was in America and my mother went and protected her. There were big cases between them then,'' he said.

Paula Marijuan and Daisy Ontaneda are now friends

After the fight, Lucy Pacicalupo clarified that Daisy and Paula are now friends, thanks to the intervention of Mauricio Tez Canseco.

“In the end they are all friends. Maurizio is a teacher and he makes sure they are all friends. Daisy is laughing now, they are friends. The last time we were at Morisito's hermitage, he came and we were all friends. Maurizio is charming, he is a gentleman to talk to, I like to listen to him. And I love his little son Franco, he talks like his dad,” she said.

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