Casale, the Aragonese symbol of the circular economy

Casale, the Aragonese symbol of the circular economy

In the last financial year, couple A recycling rate of 99.7% was achieved, to a large extent, is responsible for its human team, which, highly qualified and totally committed to the company’s principles and its values, will bring all the company’s achievements to fruition. “We are a great teamWe work like a perfect gear where values ​​act as a guide to the performance of our operations,” says manager Jesus Casale.

Innovation is one of the company’s core values, as is environmental stewardship. “Making heavy investments in finding new recycling formulas, improving processes and, above all, increasing recycling rates is a constant at Casalé,” says Jesús. “Yes, we want to show that it can be recycled in percentages very close to 100%. This is achieved by sorting and recycling waste, developing new waste management techniques and investing in sophisticated machinery,” he explains.

By 2022, the Aragonese company has a waste recovery rate close to 100%

Currently, the company is in its hands Various innovation projectsIt stands out RedolA European circular economy initiative It aims to deliver solutions and create synergies to ensure that Zaragoza is an example of a sustainable city. The company’s strategic plan envisages geographic expansion and diversification of operations to manage other types of waste, using digitization of processes as a tool to improve recycling management.

He Support for environmental concern, innovation and digitization These are the values ​​that have led Casale to achieve the highest quality in their recovery percentages and products: recycled aggregates and precast concrete blocks, called megaliths, which have received various national and international recognitions.

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The 60,000 m2 waste management plant is located in the Recycling Technology Park (PTR) in La Cardoja. Currently, the company has 26 employees, some of whom are Recently the central offices were opened in Expo’s business park At Avenida Ranillas, Zaragoza, Building 3C, Office 1A.

Included in the RSA seal, which the company has had since its inception The circular he received in January was the seal of Aragon. This commitment to sustainability, framed under the broad umbrella that Corporate Social Responsibility represents to them, is always not only for the care of the planet, but also for the well-being of its employees and progress aligned with the objectives of sustainable development.

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This content is produced by Aragon Media Lab, Hennio’s branded content unit.


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