Chaos in Jorge Chavez: The photo shows how the windows of the second control tower reflect the light inside

Chaos in Jorge Chavez: The photo shows how the windows of the second control tower reflect the light inside

As operations were suspended during the Emergency George ChavezThe second landing area could not be operational due to visibility problems in the windows of the runway. New control tower. These panels remain unchanged.

On Sunday night, there was chaos at many places Airports of Peru after operations Jorge Chavez International Airport, The first was due to electrical leakage in the runway lighting Air terminal from the country. As many as 128 national and international flights were canceled due to the emergency, and dozens of flights were diverted to airports in neighboring regions and countries.

These incidents could have been avoided if the airport’s second runway had been operational. George ChavezIt was inaugurated on April 3, 2023 by President Tina Polwart, but it was not possible due to the technical monitoring of the glass windows of the new control tower, which are still in the process of being replaced by Lima Airport Partners (LAP). Responsibility for organization and work of airport.

In the show It’s never too late From RPP, a photograph taken from inside the new control tower was shown, showing the difficulties of visualization through glass panels on the part of Peruvian airports and commercial airline SA (Corpac) flight operators.

In the picture you can see part of the city lights through the glass, but on the panel the reflections from inside the control tower are more intense.

Fernando Vivas, host of RPP’s ‘It’s Never Too Late’, presented a photo of the windows of the new control tower at Jorge Chavez Airport. | Source: RPP

“In tests, it was determined that the problem with this lamp, the glass, was not; it was actually the photo you showed me a few minutes ago. […] What was done was an audit and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) determined that, in fact, it was not clear, not transparent,” Veronika Zambrano, head of the Supervisory Body for Investment in Public Utility Transport Infrastructure (Ocitron), said of the case.

The officer explained It’s never too late The audit determined that “the glasses needed to be replaced” and LAP had them manufactured abroad. He pointed out that on May 10 this year, Occitan submitted feedback on tests with insulated glass (composed of a hermetically sealed air chamber separated by two or more glasses) and that it is now expected. Ministry of Transport and Communications “Answer that that’s actually the option, insulated glass, and because the tests are already in place, it’s been done, brought in and installed.”

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The Transport Minister estimates that Jorge Chavez’s second runway will be operational in September

Minister of Transport and Communications, Raul Perez-ReyesEstimated this Monday Second landing strip of Jorge Chavez International AirportCouldn’t run last night during power outage Suspension of operations The country’s first airport, which will be operational only in September this year.

After leaving the Consumer Protection Commission, he explained the incident that caused confusion there George Chavez And other airports in the country will have to wait until that month to install new control tower glass, he told reporters. International Airport The capital replaces others seen to create visibility problems for air traffic controllers.

“Tests are being done with other types of mirrors. I understand that they have already reached an agreement on the type of mirrors to be installed, which will be installed after September, from where the second runway will be operational.” he said.

“Exactly, when they started doing tests at night, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ have had to wait until September to install the new glass and start the operation, the morning and night of the tower, so training was not given (to the air traffic controllers). .

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