Christian Cueva does not rule out infidelity if he reconciles with Pamela Lopez: “I’m not a man who doesn’t make mistakes later” | Pamela Franco | Video | Showbiz | programs

This week, rumors of a possible reconciliation between Christian Cueva and his wife, Pamela Lopez, became serious after they saw it together at a well-known theater. The couple went through a significant crisis when it was discovered that the footballer had been unfaithful to Lopez with singer Pamela Franco.

Christian Cueva makes a comeback on TV

To know more about his current romantic situation with Pamela, the show ‘America Hoy’ conducted an exclusive interview with Cueva. However, at all times, the athlete refrained from providing details on whether they reconciled or not.

However, he did venture to mention a recent trip to the movies with Lopez: “Well, yes, I go out with my kids and try to make sure they’re okay.”. Cueva also clarified that she doesn’t want to talk too much about her family life: “I’m asking you not to. “I don’t talk about those topics, I want to leave it at that.”added the footballer.

Did Christian Cueva reconcile with Pamela Lopez and not rule out infidelity?

The famous ‘Aladdin’ noted that everyone deserves a second chance, referred to his current situation with his wife, and expressed respect for criticism of his apology. However, Christian Cueva honestly said that he cannot guarantee that he will not make mistakes in the future, but that every experience provides a lesson.

“We all deserve forgiveness in life… Criticism and all are appreciated. I’m not going to say I’m an infallible man later, am I? “I’m not spitting at the sky or anything, but you learn from everything.” The footballer revealed.

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Pamela Lopez and Christian Cuevas together for the first time

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