Congress | Returning with a populist tinge: What programs will Congress prioritize after the break? | Alejandro Soto | Citizen Protection | AFP | principle

Congress |  Returning with a populist tinge: What programs will Congress prioritize after the break?  |  Alejandro Soto |  Citizen Protection |  AFP |  principle

Faced with such a fragmented Parliament (there are 12 benches and 17 are not a committee), minimal contingencies help shed light on the overall agenda. From half the benches they mentioned security as a priority point for the March agenda.

In Alliance for Progress (APP) Y Unity and Dialogue (UyD) They also agreed to promote a regulation that seeks to classify “urban terrorism,” for which there are six initiatives, including one offered by Lima's mayor, Rafael López Aliaga.

Among other efforts, Eduardo Saljuana (APP) He announced that he was preparing a set of regulations covering training and fitness for constable work. when Juan BurgosA spokesperson for the UyD also said that it encourages the initiative to establish a number of faceless judges.

to Ricardo ValdezThe former deputy home minister said the measures proposed by the committees would not help the underlying problem. “What is the point of classifying crimes that are already classified as urban terrorism? It will create confusion. What needs to be done is to provide resources to the Home Department and improve the judicial branch system to prosecute criminals better and faster.he said.

Regarding the proposal for faceless judges, Valdez recalled that we have had problems with this number in the past and it is more appropriate to think about transferring identity criminal processes to areas far from their jurisdiction. “We have endless proposals where there is clearly no articulation and no correspondence with the underlying problem. There is no structured plan. “They are populists because Congress wants to show that they are taking responsibility for the problem in the face of the prospect of re-election.” He pointed out.

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What Valdez said was relevant to the current situation in Parliament. Five caucuses – and one non-caucus representative – noted prioritizing political reforms on the agenda. Four of them noted that a second vote on the constitutional reform that would restore bicameralism to Congress should be limited in March, which includes in its regulatory package the return of re-election of legislators.

In November 2023, the plenary approved the first vote on bicameralism with 93 abstentions. Parliamentary sources indicated that this reform is a top priority for the Congress leader. Alejandro Soto (APP)He tries to mark the issue as the biggest achievement of his administration.

The representatives of the parliamentary committees indicate the 3 priorities they seek for the March 2023 agenda.

– Removal without locks –

Pensions, their reform and another fund withdrawal, is another topic loaded with populism that appears on the March legislative agenda.

In the Congressional Economic Commission, it was already presented in December 2023, A formula The reform proposal combined with a provision to refund AFP members up to 2 UIT (S/9,900 in 2023 value) for non-contributions for six consecutive months up to November 31 last year.

Two months after that debate, in which no consensus was reached, the Chairman of the Economic Commission, Cesar RevillaThis opens the door to an arrangement involving the withdrawal of 4 UIT (worth S/20,600, 2024) without any conditionality.

“During the retirement of AFPs, there is scope for an open proposal for up to 4 UITs. We proposed for 2 UITs against the arguments of economic collapse, but since we are already recovering, we can go up to 4 UITs. And we can implement it to encourage reactivation of all members and improve the economic flow of the country. .He told El Comercio.

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The Fuerza Popular parliamentarian noted that this proposal – 4 UITs for all members – would be presented precisely as the last withdrawal, recalling that up to six withdrawals had been discussed in Chile.

It is worth pointing out that only three withdrawals have been approved in Chile during the COVID-19 pandemic, and three other proposals presented by representatives have been rejected. In June 2023, a sixth attempt was rejected.

Returning to Peru, Revilla announced that he hoped to convene an ordinary session of the Economic Commission in the second or third week of March to make a decision. “I'm a surgeon, I like to solve problems”He accused. However, from the legislator team Digna Kale (Podemos Peru) They indicated that they were considering sending a letter requesting an extraordinary session of the commission in February.

From APP Bench

Comings and goings in fisheries law

In April 2023, Law No. written by APP. 31749, which authorizes artisanal fishing and its protection within five miles. Ten months later, the same bench proposes fresh changes.

Lady Cammons, the author of the new plan, explained that the approved law “differentiates artisanal fishing from small-scale fishing, but not in a clear way.” “There should be a proper classification of artisanal fishing vessels, taking into account the length limit and holding volume in cubic meters; they should be divided into categories: 10 m3 and 10.1 m3 to 32.6 m3,” they said.

However, this has raised alarm. “This reform has been appreciated by artisans, but it has created discomfort among those who do not want to accept the regulations. It is serious that a congresswoman is proposing a rule against technology only because of pressure from unions in her region,” said Daniel Olivares, director of Oceana Peru.

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At the same time Percy Grandus, dThe legal director of the Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA) said Congresswoman Commons' plan would cause a serious setback to the protection of the first nautical mile. “If approved, it will encourage habitat destruction and affect the sustainability of fisheries and the economy of thousands of fishermen,” Grandus noted.

Comings and goings in fisheries law


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