Congressional News – Senate and Pan American University promote professional practices

Congressional News – Senate and Pan American University promote professional practices

In order to allow university students to work inside the Upper Chamber, the Senate of the Republic and the Universidad Panamericana signed a cooperation agreement to implement professional procedures within the different parts of the chamber. This pact will bring the legislative work closer to the student community, giving space to the new generation of talent and innovation.

Senator Ricardo Monreal Ávila, President of the Political Coordination Board (JUCOPO), declared in his speech that the agreement was the result of the interests of academic authorities, students and the legal representation of the Senate. He recognized this as an opportunity to attract new people to public administration to apply new ideas to parliamentary work within the Upper House.

Monreal Ávila described the Senate as a great place to put into practice the knowledge and skills he acquired in his academic training. In this sense, the legislator noted that on October 7, 2022, the first Youth Parliament was held with the Pan-American University.

For his part, Senator Alejandro Armenta Mier, chairman of the board of directors, emphasized that science and academics should combine theoretical and practical knowledge to allow them to influence the legislative process. “We share with the Political Coordinating Board the full task of expression in legislative matters to update our constitutional regulatory framework and I am confident that the youth will have a place in the Senate because it is their home.”

Fernando Bautista Jimenez, dean of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Panamericana, thanked the officials of the Chamber of Senators for signing the cooperation agreement with his institution, since this assembly is the place for the highest parliamentary debate in the country.

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