Córdoba seeks to replicate Missions’ knowledge economy model

Córdoba seeks to replicate Missions’ knowledge economy model

Córdoba’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Mining, Eduardo Accostello, arrived in Missions to learn about silicon and the biofactory. He met the mayor of Posadas, Leonardo Stellato, with whom he held a meeting to promote tourism.

within it A visit to Silicon Missions, Eduardo Accostello, who is the elected mayor of Villa MariaHe expressed his enthusiasm for the opportunities presented Works and its technical capital.

Accostello emphasized that Córdoba is connected to the knowledge economy and strives for it Promote Red Earth initiatives. In that regard, he explained that they currently have a Knowledge Economy Technological Cluster with 51 companies operating.

He added that Your visit to Silicon Missions is intended to reflect ideas Industry should be strengthened in the region. In addition, he raised the possibility of establishing a silicon headquarters with the Cordoba brand in Villa Maria, considering the significant progress of missions in this field.

Córdoba’s Minister of Industry recognized the Missions willingness to cooperate and its interest. To promote innovation and technologywhich This will allow us to come together for the development of the country and the provinces.

Xiomara Vito, The Deputy Secretary of Silicon Missions celebrated the potential for exchange between the two provinces.

Missions and Córdoba: Collaboration with Biofabrica

Eduardo Acastello He also highlighted Valuable contribution from Missions Biofactory. He remembered it After the fires in CórdobaRed Earth Model Plant Distribution Center More than 200 thousand seedlings were sent back to the forest.

He insisted The importance of working together and signed an agreement with Biofábrica To bring a part of the seedling production to your city. This contract marks the beginning of other futures that will be sought Improves the quality of life of citizens.

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For his part, the President of Missions Biofactory, Leonardo MorzanA pointed out Contract at Villa Maria It established a foundation for cooperation involving various aspects, From preserving the environment to promoting local industry.

During the visit, Morzon introduced Accostello to the developments and facilities as well as showed him around Diversity of projects implemented. “It is important for people to know about the activities we carry out here,” he stressed.

He gave a detailed description of what to do for the production of seedlings Promotion of agriculture and afforestation in the region. And everything related Essential inputs for medical cannabis production and agriculture And local industry, which contributes Stability and economic development of the region.

Transfer about ttourismManufacturing and Trading

Accostello praised The missionary noted the intention of the two provinces to cooperate in areas such as human talent and manufacturing, marketing and tourism.. In addition, he had the opportunity to visit some of the wonders of the Missions That is advance contracts Strengthen this union and tourismWith the intention of continuing to inspire An engine of economic growth and development.

A collaboration between Villa Maria and Posadas

In the capital, Accostello met with Posadas Mayor Leonardo Stellato. On a day that highlighted the brotherhood between these two regions. In his statement, he expressed his gratitude for receiving Stellato and for opening the doors of various institutions to share government experiences.

Appreciated the hospitality and generosity in sharing Initiatives and projects developed in the city. With a view to the future, He expressed his interest in combining efforts and interests between Villa María and Posadas and working on shared projects that benefit both communities.

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Finally, appreciated For his leadership and influence in the Stellato community. He recognized the energy he would bring to the region in the mayor. For Accostello, this leadership is essential to executing a successful collaborative strategy.

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