Solar eclipse in Peru: These are stunning pictures of the astronomical phenomenon in different regions

Solar eclipse in Peru: These are stunning pictures of the astronomical phenomenon in different regions

Shocking pictures were captured by users

Through social networks, various users shared photos of the solar eclipse from their location. It can be found in Piura, Iquitos, Tarapoto, Trujillo, Callao, Lima, Chosica and other areas.

Solar eclipse in Trujillo

Solar eclipse in Trujillo| Credit: Vannia Salaveri

A solar eclipse was visualized in Koma

Users report eclipse in comas| Giordano Garcia/Elvira Carhuachin

Photos of the solar eclipse in Lima

This is what a solar eclipse looks like in Lima
Peruvians share photos of solar eclipse in Lima from different districts | X (Alexander Carrion/Giordano Garcia)

Solar eclipse in Lima and Piura

The Peruvian Space Agency-Conita broadcasts live how the solar eclipse develops in Lima, Peru and other parts of the country and comments:

The eclipse continues in Iquitos and has not yet reached its maximum point

Solar Eclipse in Iquitos – Credit Patricio Valderrama-Murillo

Solar eclipse in Iquitos

Climatologist Patricio Valderrama-Murillo posted this image of the solar eclipse in Iquitos at this time:

Solar Eclipse in Iquitos – Image by Patricio Valderrama-Murillo

Solar eclipse at Sosika

They also provided their specially equipped telescopes at the Universidad Peruana Union in Sochica to view the eclipse. They pointed out that only special glasses or No. 14 welder’s glasses should be used to view the sun.

The solar eclipse can be best seen at Sochika due to clear skies (Channel N).

Tips for viewing a solar eclipse without damaging your eyesight

Dr. Valentina Gracia, ophthalmologist at OftalmoMedic, offers top tips for viewing the solar eclipse and taking care of your vision health:

1. Use solar eclipse glasses: Use ISO certified glasses to ensure they meet international safety standards. These glasses have special filters that block UV radiation and intense sunlight, providing adequate protection to the eyes.

2. Don’t use regular sunglasses or homemade filters: Regular sunglasses or homemade filters like X-rays, DVDs or CDs do not provide enough protection from solar radiation. Using these alternative methods can lead to serious eye injuries.

3. Be aware of the moment: The phenomenon will be displayed momentarily only when the eclipse is total.

4. Supervision: For greater safety, it is recommended to observe the solar eclipse in an astronomical observatory under the supervision of trained experts.

Solar eclipse in Tumbes

This is how we saw the sun through some of the welding glasses used by the Canal N camera during the afternoon

Solar eclipse at Tumbes – Canal N

Abraham Levy, the well-known “weatherman,” thus reports on a solar eclipse

Live streaming of the solar eclipse in the US

This is NASA’s live broadcast of the solar eclipse. The solar eclipse will cover almost the entire American continent. It can be appreciated somewhat in Peru.

Times of maximum eclipse obscurity in Peru

According to the Geophysical Institute of Peru, Lima, Iquitos and Dagna, these are the maximum occultation times of the solar eclipse in Peru.

Maximum occultation times of the solar eclipse in Peru, according to the IGP

IGP’s recommendations for viewing the solar eclipse in Peru

The partial solar eclipse in Peru is just around the corner. The IGP shares three important recommendations that you should take into account to witness this astronomical phenomenon:

It’s almost time to see the solar eclipse in Peru

In conversation with AndeanNober Beyella said that the eclipse will begin to be visible Afternoon in Peru.

In our country, in the capital of Loreto and in other provinces in this region, such as Ramon Castilla and Putumayo, it can be seen in an ideal range between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., on average.

Loreto will see a solar eclipse in a few hours. – Credit: Andina

Iquitos and its status of privilege

Researcher IGP Nober Payella noted Andean 85% probability from Iquitos is the most popular scenario.

And he recalled that there are Three main phases of the event: The beginning of the eclipse, the central moment of maximum eclipse and the final time of the event.

Iquitos is one of the cities with the best view of the eclipse. – Credit: Andina

The IGP gives the exact time to view the eclipse

Through its social networks, the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) confirmed the hours for viewing the solar eclipse from our country.

City wise hours of solar eclipse as per IGP. – Credit: Facebook
City wise hours of solar eclipse as per IGP. – Credit: Facebook
City wise hours of solar eclipse as per IGP. – Credit: Facebook

Minsa’s Tips to Avoid Retinal Damage

These are the notes Ministry of Health To prevent damage to your vision:

  1. Do not look directly at the solar eclipse without protection.
  2. If you want to see the eclipse, Use special glassesThese are ISO 12312-2 certified lenses and are no ordinary sunglasses.
  3. Also don’t look at the sun with or without an eclipse 30 secondsEven if you use security.
  4. Do not view the Sun with or without an eclipse through optical devices such as Cameras, smartphones, binoculars or binoculars.
  5. Homemade filters They are not used to see the sun. Neither will an X-ray film, as none of these components protect your eyes from damage from UV and infrared light.
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Beware of falling for false objects to see a natural scene – Credit: Getty

MINSA warns of visual hazards during a solar eclipse

A warning has been issued from the Department of Health against the astronomical event that will occur this Saturday the 14th, mainly due to the risk of damage to the retina due to the lack of appropriate equipment. In some cases it is irreversible.

“The retina is a layer of light-sensitive tissue found at the back of the eye. Intense sunlight can damage the retinal cells, causing vision loss,” he said. Sometimes From a statement.

Eclipse viewing requires special precautions. – Credit: SSC

From which parts of Peru can you see the solar eclipse?

You can clearly see this phenomenon in the sky. Ministry of the Environment (MINAM), through the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) states that it is visible from places where the solar eclipse occurs Northern and northeastern PeruThis compares to other parts of our country.

In that sense, places like Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Cajamarca, Amazonas, San Martín and Loreto They are very popular.

An annular solar eclipse sweeps across the United States this October 14th. – Credit: Flickr

What should I remember during a solar eclipse?

Even with the use of protective equipment, experts recommend that citizens never look directly at the sun during an eclipse. A Safe viewTo comply with the ISO 12312-2 standard and to carry the CE certificate, it is necessary to use special glasses designed to provide adequate protection.

If you don’t have a telescope with a solar filter or mylar paper, there is an option See eclipse indirectly By projecting an image of the sun onto a surface.

You must have special equipment to view a solar eclipse. – Credit: Reuters/Henry Romero

What does a solar eclipse consist of?

According to Dr. Eric Mesa, a researcher at the Directorate of Astronomy and Space Sciences (Diazof the Peruvian Space Agency (Conidia), the Moon does not completely cover the Sun.

“Because, in those circumstances, it would be somewhat farther from the Earth, so that it would occupy a smaller circular area in the sky than the Sun. In other words, because the Moon is farther away, its apparent size in the sky “will be smaller, and then, it will not be able to completely cover the royal star,” Peruvian said. The scientist explained. Andean.

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Check out our recommendations for viewing the solar eclipse.

Chenamhi offers recommendations for viewing the eclipse

In an interview RPPRosario Julca, engineer and expert at the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru (Senamhi), shared some recommendations for people who want to witness this astronomical phenomenon.

“For the Peruvian territory, it is best appreciated from 11:30 a.m. to noon, precisely, Iquitos is the darkest. The most important recommendation, according to Ministry of HealthAt that time the sun is not directly looked at,” he suggested.

An annular eclipse visible in America today is rarely visible in Europe. – Credit: EFE/Bienvenido Velasco

Do not look directly at the solar eclipse

As part of the preparations for the solar eclipse, expert Rosario Julca explained that “there are special lenses or glasses that allow us to appreciate this phenomenon”. “In Peru It seems to me that they don’t sell them, but there is a dark, black glass equivalent,” he suggested.

In addition, these measures are due to the fact that “radiation emitted by the energy can cause damage, so it is better,” he explained.Avoid further exposure”.

Direct viewing of the solar eclipse is not recommended. – Credit: Twitter/ @IPN_MX

Times and places to view the solar eclipse in Peru

The possibility of observing an astronomical phenomenon depends mainly on Weather (clouds) of one’s place. In Peru, you are a witness Partial eclipse of the sunBut without reaching the annular eclipse, the location of our territory is outside the band, thereby revealing it ‘Ring of Fire’.

In LimaThe event starts at 12.29.13 PM and ends at 3.31.01 AM, with a maximum ending time of 02.04.22 PM.

In IquitosThe eclipse starts at 12:11:08 PM and ends at 3:30:15 PM, with maximum at 1:56:03 PM. The duration will be 3 hours, 19 minutes and 7 seconds.

On October 14, the Moon will come between the Sun and Earth and will be the first visible event since 2012. – Credit: Illustrated image Infobae

This Saturday, October 14, is a solar eclipse in Peru

On October 14, 2023, our region will witness a partial solar eclipse. This astronomical phenomenon consists of the Moon passing between the Earth and the Sun, but not completely covering the Sun’s disk.

Instead of blocking the star’s light completely, as happens in a total solar eclipse, The Moon covers only part of the Sun’s disk Visible from Earth.

Some cities like Lima and Iquitos will be able to see the solar eclipse. – Credits: Andina/Reuters


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