Costa Verde: Teenager falls into ravine in front of citizens and members of the police

Costa Verde: Teenager falls into ravine in front of citizens and members of the police
Costa Verde: Woman falls off cliff in front of citizens and PNP members. (Photo: Andina)

An unfortunate event took place on Sunday afternoon, September 17 Costa VerdeAt the height of the district MirafloresA young woman fell from above Rockon the freeway, before the surprised gaze of pedestrians and drivers below.

Police officers arrived at the scene of the incident. The Peruvian National Police (PNP), as well as members of the Magdalena “36” Fire Company and the San Miguel “83” Volunteer Fire Company. They all came quickly after an urgent call from the witnesses. Unfortunately, they could not stop themselves from taking such a decision.

As a result of the fall, the 15-year-old girl ended up with exposed fractures and lost her job, so she consumed. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for about 25 minutes, until he arrived at the emergency room. Your health is reserved.

Costa Verde: Woman falls from highest point on Malecón de la Reserva. (Photo: Andina)

From social networks, many users called on people to know how important it is to take care of and protect their mental health. And, they remembered World Suicide Prevention Day (WPD) held recently September, 10.

“The case of the thin woman in Costa Verde takes place in September, Suicide Prevention Month. This will help people continue to raise awareness about mental health and always be there to listen to those in need. They don’t know how much it helps,” user Claudette Gonzalez posted on X, formerly Twitter.

In 2022, more than 2,000 citizens in Peru attempted to take their own lives, with 686 successful, according to data provided by the National Mortality Information System (Cinadef) For this, July Caballero, director mental health of Ministry of Health (MINSA), pointed out Depression He asserted that this is the main cause of suicides in the country and that is why it is needed Ask for help This mental illness should not be allowed to escalate.

“It’s a preventable disease, you can work, there are community health centers throughout Peru, where professions—psychologists or psychiatrists—address these mental health issues,” he said.

Likewise, other risk factors such as mental disorder, drug use and the presence of psychosis or mania are also associated with suicidal behavior, Minsa said. With this in mind, he urged people to be alert to “danger signs” such as “accumulating violence or suffering at a moment in life, lack of economic resources and lack of family or social support”.

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Among the behaviors that should be considered a form of alertness, he noted the following: sudden changes in behavior, mood swings (tendency to irritability), inability to sleep, and decreased academic or work performance are frequent. .

Worrying statistics of suicides in Peru (TV Peru)

For his part, psychiatrist and head of La Victoria Community Mental Health Center, Jeanrro Aguirre DediosHe pointed out that depressive episodes are one of the first causes associated with effort suicide In Peru.

“We need to understand that depression is a disease Like any other and not subject to single causal circumstances. “Depression is multifaceted, and in the case of suicidal thoughts, they are more complex, where we need to understand a person as a whole and analyze their functioning,” he told Andina Agency.

He also highlighted the importance of creativity awareness in society, That Depression And this suicide They can be prevented by identifying the risk factors in time and by identifying important events and situations that affect the person and guiding them to take this risky decision.

According to mental health experts, the best way to support someone with suicidal behavior is to show genuine interest, listen empathetically, talk clearly and openly about your intentions, and accept their feelings without judgment.

Likewise, it is important for them to remove things that could injure themselves, contact their family members and accompany them to the nearest health facility for timely treatment.

For guidance and further information in this regard, Sometimes Recommend access to community health centers across the country or Call the toll-free line 113, option 5Between January and August 2023, it responded to 1,697 calls related to suicidal behavior.

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