Córdoba will house the country’s first specialized center on innovation and transformative technologies for the circular economy.

Córdoba will house the country’s first specialized center on innovation and transformative technologies for the circular economy.

The Organization of American States recognized the city’s work developing policies linked to innovation and transformative technologies for the circular economy and went ahead to create the first Center of Excellence on Innovation and Transformative Technologies for the Economy. Country circular.

The announcement was made by Mayor Martin Lariora of Washington, D.C., where the mayor signed a cooperation agreement with Organization of American States (OAS) Economic Development Secretary Kim Osborne.

These centers of expertise are part of the Prospecta Americas program, a regional platform network supported by the OAS to collaborate on technology foresight issues. The fifth center of the network and the first in the country will be established in Córdoba.

Today’s signature is the agreement reached last year between Mayor Martín Lariora and Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS, when the communal leader pledged to advance policies that would allow the establishment of this center in our city.

The mission of these centers on transformative innovation and technology for the circular economy is to promote collaboration between the public, private and academic sectors to develop research and innovative solutions that improve the productivity, sustainability and resilience of economies and societies. .

The new institution will allow within its scope the mapping of global and regional trends in the field of circular economy, and it will be a meeting point, exchange of experiences and practices in this matter, facilitating collaboration with researchers, entrepreneurs and governments.

During the meeting, Osborne highlighted Córdoba’s growing leadership in the region in terms of the regional economy. “The municipality of Córdoba and its public-private-academic circular economy ecosystem provide infrastructure and organizational skills and expertise to research, training activities and share resources and develop innovation and technological solutions to promote the circular economy.

Within the framework of the Prospecta Americas platform, he added, the capital can be a regional benchmark for prospective exploration, mapping and development of solutions, as an OAS hub of excellence for transformative technologies..

In the document signed today, which lays the foundation for the creation of this center of excellence, the City of Córdoba created a circular economy group with an interdisciplinary team aimed at promoting and promoting innovation and sustainability in the municipality. Circular strategies, circular economy by building strong local networks to implement innovative solutions. and incorporating the circular economy into the education and production system to promote sustainable development and take advantage of the tools offered by digitization and new technologies.

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It is also recognized that the Municipal School of Circular Economy (EMEC) will be established in 2021. It serves as a place for activities, projects, research and development of innovative solutions and actions aimed at implementing new environmental practices through the revaluation of waste in society, especially in the field of education and production. Premiums that create new opportunities in the market.

As another useful tool, the municipality of the city of Córdoba has launched the Circular Economy Observatory (OEC), which aims to collect and analyze data from the public and private sectors. Reports and innovative strategies that serve as the basis for implementing public policies based on data that generate new trends and forecasts to deliver efficiency to sectors connected to the circular economy.

Finally, the OAS recognized the importance of the World Circular Economy Summit and the World Circular Economy Expo held in our city in 2021 and 2022 and for the third time in Cordoba in November, with participation. Keynote Speakers from Circle Ecosystem.

The activity was created within the framework of the agenda that Mayor Martín Lariora, together with Economy Secretary Guillermo Acosta, is holding in Washington City, and will continue in New York in the coming days, invited by Amsam Argentina – the American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina.


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