Demand for small apartments in Lima is high | economy

Demand for small apartments in Lima is high |  economy

A fact highlighted in the study is that demand for smaller items has increased across the sector, Dias says. Thus, the appetite for apartments below 60 m2 grew in 2022 and showed an increase of 130% compared to 2021, while the demand for apartments between 60 m2 and 100 m2 increased by 30%.

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Regarding this, Tribeca Inmobiliaria’s Managing Director Miguel Deustua said this search for fewer views is due to people’s purchasing power, as the price of apartments has increased due to rising commodity prices. Substantial increase in interest rate.

“Today a mortgage loan rate is around 10% and the MiVivienda rate is around 8.6%. For this reason, smaller areas are more suited to people’s ability to pay, according to demand.Dice.

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Common areas

In terms of common areas, the top three options include a terrace for outdoor gatherings and/or barbecues, visitor parking and a gymnasium; However, the novelty of the study is that ‘working with’ appears in the top 10, a common context that has been verified for a year and a half, says Diyas.

“People continue to prefer function over space and meeting areas with family and friends are expanding as the buyer universe migrates to smaller spaces. They accept this downsizing, but they want these common areas in the plan.Collaboration.

Brian Meza, general manager of Danfra Inmobiliaria, notes that the trend recorded during the pandemic, a survey within the sector assessed, has stagnated with a return to default and/or hybrid work.

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Interior space and environment

In terms of neighborhoods preferred by buyers, the survey highlights that people who prefer to live in Lima Top are in front of parks, on streets with less traffic and close to their workplace. According to Mesa, if the client had to choose between living in front of a park or near his workplace, he would choose the latter.

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“The first thing one filters is the price and then the location and what the plan offers.”Collaboration.

On the other hand, Deustua assures that balconies have become more valuable in terms of both exterior and interior views, as it creates a feeling of being away from home.

Likewise, it is noted that the demand for duplexes has increased as a solution for the upper class who want to live in a larger space.

In statistics

Demand for Miraflores will grow

According to Díaz, when checking apartment sales data, Miraflores is one of the districts that saw a 47% growth in 2022 compared to 2021.

Likewise, the Lima Top grew by 40% with 1,308 more units sold in 2022 compared to 2021.


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