Firms’ productivity depends on technology: CWVL Grupo Milenio

Firms’ productivity depends on technology: CWVL Grupo Milenio

In the first quarter of the year, the World Bank Its growth raised expectations Mexico A 1.5 percent, Productivity can be improved in the business sector as it opens up possibilities Building and improving competitivenessOnly when it ends International distribution Globally.

In this regard, the international organization has pointed out Country has a growth rate of 0.9 percent of the already predicted, therefore, New business ideas and start-ups can be launched to boost the economy Without it any company would be shut down prematurely.

In the interview, Walter Contreras LauraBusiness Director CWVL ConsultingIt is mentioned that companies should take into account the modernization and innovation of technology to facilitate the processes that facilitate the way of working with a business model developed by analyzing the national market.

“Tastes, trends, because in this way we are constantly in the minds of our consumers, in this way every resource used is an indicator that measures the ability of an organization to carry out its work tasks effectively. We can know how much each worker produces in an hour, day, month and year. ” opined the consultant.

Whether the company is on track to achieve its goals with this information or vice versa, To achieve your employees’ career goals, you need to make some adjustments.

“There are some basic points to increase the productivity of your company, but I assure you that human capital that meets the desired profile is essential for the success of your company, for years, to read and listen. Experts, we left the following”.

“As much as possible, you should have experienced employees dedicated exclusively to attracting new talent. If you have employees or an area dedicated solely to that, you will have well-prepared employees who will keep your company strong,” and contras Laura.

He pointed out that sustainable training, on the one hand, can work in various ways to support the organization. Ensure employees acquire new knowledge To continuously develop their skills and perform their tasks efficiently, on the other hand, Help your employees feel motivated, engaged, This has a positive impact on all the members that make up your company.

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In this sense, CWVL Consulting suggests that proper strategic planning is necessary in your organization, which is very important because in this way you can Define objectives, goals, strategies and procedures to ensure proper management From timing work tasks, to achieving effective communication internally and externally, and managing the human and financial resources within your organization, all these have an impact on its success.

In this sense, since human capital is the most important factor in an organization, the advisory panel asked businessmen to give more affection and encouragement to retain them. “Truly motivated is a priority for successIt’s important to understand that motivation doesn’t just come in the form of money, it also comes in the form of recognition, flexible hours, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

“An organization’s productivity is a critical component of success, with many other actions to follow. time, money and effort of the entire task force, However, it’s worth doing what it takes to achieve your dreams and professional goals,” pointed out Laura Contreras.



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