Dina Boluarte: Major cash deposits made in her bank accounts | Clocks | Rolex | Free Peru | UIF | principle

Dina Boluarte: Major cash deposits made in her bank accounts |  Clocks |  Rolex |  Free Peru |  UIF |  principle

In his statement yesterday, In Boluarte The money he deposited into his bank accounts between 2016 and 2022 came from the Apurimak Department Club (CDA), which he headed from 2017 to 2021. And if you divide that amount on the first page, one million hundred thousand soles, by 84 months, you get about S/13 thousand per month for those who join the club. [Apurímac]”.

Polwart refers to the S/1.1 million in cash that entered his 11 bank accounts at BCP (four jointly and seven in his name) between April 2016 and August 2022, “the origin of the funds indicated therein,” the watchdog of banking, insurance and private pension fund executives revealed to El Comercio. Report of Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF).

According to the FIU report, since November 2022, although the president has said that all the money came from the CDA, there are dozens of deposits that are not related to the association or entered the joint account held by Pollarde with Nestor Amato Camargo. , who was the treasurer and treasurer of CDA. The account, Boularde said, protected “the small monthly income the club had”.

Salhuanca Church

The case of businessman William Zegarra Bandicoso is inconsistent with what Polwarte claims. On October 22, 2019, he deposited S/16,611 in one of the current president's personal accounts at BCP, despite his membership in the CDA Board of Directors (2017-2019 and 2019-2022) chaired by Poluarte. Two days later, Boluarte himself transferred S/16,823 to a joint account held by his friend Víctor Hugo Torres Merino and Nicanor Boluarte.

About Jegara, Trade Welev Servicios Generales SRL, a company linked to him, reported yesterday that it won 12 contracts with management companies from 2022 for a total of S/5.5 million. In the case of Torres, he received contracts in the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, which Boluarte led until November 2022. In addition, Nicanor has been one of the most enthusiastic promoters of Citizens for Peru, a party promoted by Poluarte.

As this newspaper learns, Polwart's account contained a deposit of money paid by Zegarra. This amount is part of the capital raised in various activities for the repair of the Salhuanca church in the district of Aymaraes (Apurimac), where the president was born.


In May last year, Zegarra mentioned the money in conversation Trade.

“We did a deed for our city Saljuanka, for the fallen church […]. At the time he was president of the Saljuanka Club. […] There are many humble people from Villa Maria [del Triunfo] And from Villa El Salvador, he supported bullfighting, activities to reform the Church. An account is opened […]Till now we don't know where the money went.

WILLIAM ZEGARRA BANDICOSO. Businessman and former director of CDA

Instead of earmarking those resources for church repairs, Polwart kept the money in his account until the middle of last year. That means he kept the money for four years. He returned it only when the grievances of his countrymen became public.

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said Maritza Sánchez, who accompanied Boluarte in the 2021 campaign Trade In that process they went to Salhuanga and the people asked the then candidate to remember the church. “[Ahora] Those phrases that they demand that we remember the church make sense, because I found out that in some way they had money that they collected and that she kept in her accounts for years.

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According to the UIF report, the joint account of Boluarte and Amado received the most money. Between June 2017 and July 2022, 407 cash deposits were made for a total of S/893,095. The report insists that all deposits are below the threshold (US$10,000 or equivalent). This was done to avoid having to fill out a form warning about possible money laundering.

The FIU identified 132 transactions (performed by 24 individuals) totaling S/460,756 of the total cash deposits in that joint account. That means we need to know who made the 275 deposits of S/432,339.

Among those who deposited the money into the account was the former economic secretary of Apurimak Club. In total, Amato deposited S/275,993 in 57 operations.

Nestor Amato Camargo

Nestor Amato Camargo

According to the FIU report, the Amado road is dedicated to freight transport, but the amount entered into the account with Boluarte “does not register formal dependent work or income statements guaranteed before the tax authority”.

In February this year, Amato reported to the police that her wallet, which contained a card for a joint account she shared with Polwart, was stolen.

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After Amato, Pastor Sans Colon was the one who deposited the most money into the account: S/103,562 through 24 operations. The businessman manages the CDA Restaurant and is the General Manager of La Casona Restaurant at the Lawn Tennis Club of the Exhibition. His signature records the CDA headquarters (Av. Brasil 259, Jesús María) as the address.

Pastor Sans Colon

Pastor Sans Colon

A Trade, said Sáenz has been privileged at the CDA restaurant for 12 years. When asked about the cash deposits in Boluarte and Amado's account, he replied: “I have deposits, any amount, I have a series of suppliers and I have to pay them. […] I make deposits, I don't have to air them.”

In 2023, Ciudadanos por el Perú, linked to Nicanor Boulevard, held an event at the Lawn Tennis restaurant managed by Sáenz. Asked if he was a friend of the president's brother, he replied: “I don't know. [de] That”.

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Tina Polwart's cashier

Boluarte and Amado's joint account also contained 12 cash deposits from CDA secretary Antonela Agarini Bernal. The total amount is S/22,927.

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In this regard, Chang said, “If you look at what the club formally declared before the tax administration, S/100,000 income, this does not correspond to the high amount found in their name or accounts. People. “There is a problem that needs to be explained because there is untaxed income.”

“We have a series of crimes from tax fraud, […] For serious cases of collusion, corruption of officials, money laundering etc., improper use of position and be careful, open use of people in their environment. [de Boluarte]Who will be responsible for concealing the money and introducing it into the financial system, deposits, for example, amounts not exceeding the obligation to fill in the pre-notified document of the bank to avoid laundering [de activos]”.

Through the Press Secretary of the Presidency, Poluarte indicated to El Comercio that no director or former director of the Apurimac Department Club “deposited any money in their personal accounts”.

“The 17 thousand soles are the result of a bullfighting operation organized by Salhuanquinos living in Lima to restore the temple of San Francisco de Asis in the city of Salhuanca,” he said.

He added that these were deposited in an account opened by three persons: Oscar Arbio, the parish priest of the San Francisco de Asis church; Jegarra Bandicoso was president of the Salhuanca Club in Lima; She is also the President of the Apurimac Departmental Club.

“What is significant is that Mr. William Zegarra Bandikoso withdrew money from this account for his personal use,” he stressed.

The Government Palace said that the consultation should be transferred to the Ministry regarding the contracts received by Zgarra Pantigoso in MIDIS.

Polwart also denied that he had appropriated the money raised for the restoration of the San Francisco de Asis church.

From Government House they also pointed out that Polwart had “no connection with Mr. Pastor Chance who has been the concessionaire of the Apurimac Department Club since approximately 2012”.

“Furthermore, if there is a deposit of more than 100 thousand feet, as indicated, they will be monthly payments to the joint account for the privilege you are responsible for,” they added.


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