Donald Trump | A Latino, an Afro-descendant, a woman? Who is Donald Trump’s running mate in the November election? the world

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The race for Trump’s vice presidential nomination is close. Several Republican politicians campaigned openly about the former governor and appeared in court to support him in his current criminal trial.

Eduardo Camarra, a professor of political science at Florida International University, believes Trump’s number two choice is so uncertain that he won’t choose a running mate until after the Republican National Convention in July, despite being a former Republican leader. Be careful with surprises.

“There are many competitors, and now it is not known. It must be taken into account that the vice presidential candidate is important in the electoral process to attract certain groups of voters who did not vote for the presidential candidate. Then the running mate ceases to be a relevant person,” he tells El Comercio.

Beyond their contribution to the nomination, candidates have certain requirements to go along with Trump, who in his first term as vice president, Mike Pence, has turned his back on him and accused him of wanting to violate the Constitution.

According to The New York Times, the former president’s advisers generally agree that any resume for number two on the list must include “absolute loyalty to the Trump brand and a willingness to filter every decision” and public opinion into an addictive vision.”

These are the most likely Republican politicians to occupy this position.

1. Marco Rubio

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, 52, has established himself as a trusted Trump ally. He is considered a veteran conservative who can be associated with a more traditional base. In his favor he is a well-known face and he speaks fluent Spanish, one of the legacies of his Cuban ancestry.

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Rubio, a vocal critic of Trump’s running mate in 2016, has been a leading figure in the Republican Party on foreign policy issues and was even considered by the former president as a candidate for secretary of state.

In an interview last weekend, Rubio refused to accept the results of the 2024 presidential election and repeated conspiracy theories about a 2020 election won by Biden.

While he worked with Democrats on immigration reform legislation years ago and has called mass deportations unrealistic, Rubio has backed plans to round up millions of immigrants and hold them in detention centers before deporting them, The New York Times reported.

“Senator Rubio’s name is being asked to weigh heavily in the Senate, and he’s attracting the Hispanic vote, especially Florida’s vote, even though it’s already guaranteed voters,” says Camara.

2. Tim Scott

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott is the only African-American Republican in the upper chamber and widely respected in the party. He was a presidential candidate in this election, but now he is being nominated as a running mate. “It will be interesting for Trump to find the African-American vote,” says Kamarra.

US Senator Tim Scott. (Photo: AFP)

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Another point in his favor is his fundraising ability, which experts say could boost Trump’s chances of being picked as No. 2.

Scott will host a meeting in Washington in June of Republican donors who have yet to publicly commit to the group’s nomination.

“For Scott, the event could help signal to centrist donors that he is a more acceptable political figure, and that his inclusion on the list could expand the network of financial sources Trump can tap into this year,” says “The New York Times.”

3. JD Vance

James David Vance, 39, is a politician, conservative businessman, best-selling author and current senator from Ohio since January 2023. Although he was a staunch critic of Trump years ago, today he is one of the former ruler’s most trusted and staunch allies.

He leads a group pushing Senate Republicans to the right. He opposes immigration and abortion.

The conservative businessman has been following Trump everywhere and has been an ever-present in the ongoing trial against him in New York.

4. Elise Stefanik

New York Assemblywoman Elise Stefanik, 39, is the highest-ranking female Republican in the House of Representatives.

She has backed Trump at every rally and could help him win over a segment of female voters, among whom his support is waning.

Stefanik has played a pivotal role in recent months in a campaign to pressure elite universities since the war between Israel and Gaza began. Among other things, he urged academic leaders whether students would violate their universities’ code of conduct if they called for genocide against Jews.

Another woman who has been considered Trump’s running mate for months is South Dakota Gov. Christy Nome. However, his chances have plummeted since he claimed he shot his dog because it was “uncontrollable”.

5. Ben Carson

Retired African-American neurosurgeon Ben Carson ran against Trump in 2016 and later served as secretary of housing and urban development in the Trump administration.

Donald Trump shakes hands with former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson.  (Photo: EFE)

Donald Trump shakes hands with former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson. (Photo: EFE)

He is known for his religious piety and high history. He has publicly defended Trump against accusations of racism.

However, Carson’s record in Trump’s cabinet includes plenty of material for his detractors, including stratospheric spending and disparaging comments about transgender people that angered staffers, The New York Times notes.

point of view

“It’s very hard to tell what Trump is looking for.”

Eduardo Camarra

Professor of Political Science at Florida International University

It’s hard to say what Trump expects as his vice presidential nominee. For now, the campaign message is focused on the immigration issue and all potential candidates for his running mate have aligned themselves on that issue.

“The Wall Street Journal” published an article a few days ago that talked about the number of people Trump is employing on immigration and his plan to deport 20 million undocumented immigrants. All the vice presidential candidates are on the same page, including Marco Rubio. .

Vice presidents are typically used to appeal to specific constituencies: African Americans, women’s votes, etc. But vice presidents everywhere are basically the fifth wheel on the wagon. That is the President’s problem. In the United States they have a more formal function, beyond breaking tie votes in Congress. For example, Mike Pence was conspicuous by his absence, and now the same is happening to Kamala Harris.

The debate on June 27 will be crucial in terms of what comes next in the campaign. This poses a risk for Trump and Biden, because while Trump is very good at insulting, he is not very good at debating public policy, and Biden is not as old as people think. The big surprise of his last message to the nation was that everyone thought Biden wasn’t going to put the two words together, and he delivered an amazing speech.

If Biden does well in the debate, he will be a big winner because he will demonstrate not only that he has common sense, but also that he has public policy preferences. Trump’s public policy options are slogans rather than policies.

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