Downtown Lima: Code 3 fire consumes entire gallery

Downtown Lima: Code 3 fire consumes entire gallery

So far, 30 fire brigade units are working to put out the fire in Block 4 of Giron Ugayali, where it meets Apanke Avenue.

And fire Code 3 was recorded in the early hours of this Saturday morning in a house located in Block 4 of Giron Ucayali, which meets Apanke Avenue. Center of Lima. Till now 30 fire brigades are working to control the emergency.

A group RPP It is also known to be located at No injuries or casualties. Firefighters continue to work to contain the fire from spreading across the block. The affected property is located in front of the National Library.

Mario Casarettosaid the Disaster Risk Management Manager of the Municipality of Lima RPP The house, built 102 years ago and its structure made of quincha and adobe, is now “out of control” due to the rapid spread of the fire.

“Unfortunately it served as a warehouse in the lower part of the forklift and cargo. It closed on December 16, maintaining its signs there, but apparently they continue to handle cargo in the inner area. We felt two gas explosions. I was inside,” said Casaretto.

Mario Casaretto He noted that around 16 families were living in the damaged house and they were evacuated in time to avoid a tragedy.

A neighbor, Juan Vasquez, said he lived with his wife on the second floor of the building when the fire started due to a leaking gas cylinder. He also opined that he was sleeping with his wife at the time of the accident but they escaped unharmed.

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Downtown Lima: Code 3 fire consumes entire gallery | Source: RPP

There would have been a fire

The neighbor indicated that the fire was started by a woman after a heated argument.

“This was triggered by the fact that they attacked my sister and my mother yesterday, I was going out to protect them, we were going to file a complaint, today there was a fire. That girl is very troublesome, I want people to be responsible. An investigation has been done,” he pointed out.

The victims asked the Lima municipality for food and shelter because they had nothing and the fire had destroyed their belongings.

Some neighbors scolded the suspects for starting the fire, which led to a brawl in the middle of Apanke Avenue, but the police were in charge of controlling the situation.

Code 3 Fire Cercato de Lima | Source: RPP/Deysi Portuguez


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